Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today's topic High Fashion.  I like to think I know a little about what looks good on what shape and what colors look good on which coloring.  I am not perfect but love some aspects of fashion.

High Fashion.  I don't know much about it to be honest.  I just see pictures of hideous clothes, hair and weird makeup and hear it is high fashion.  I agree with that.  You have to be "high" to appreciate this fashion.  Have you seen some of the odd get ups they show? 

I feel like a bunch of weirdos rule the fashion industry and somehow we are to believe they know all.  Have you ever watched the Next Runway Model?  They have these men who do high fashion tell people what is what.  Don't get me wrong, I am all for men or women being leaders in any industry.  But, you come looking like a drunk, color blind clown dressed you and I am supposed to take you seriously?  One of the men, has hair that looks like Mo from The Three Stooges, and wears huge, cartoonish bow ties.  Another one of the men routinely looks like he took the top sheet off the bed and ta da, he is dressed and ready for action.  I can hardly pay any attention to him because I am so freaked out that he is not just in public looking crazy, but on national television. 

I also love to watch Fashion Police.  It is my dirty little secret.  But not so secret now, since I just blogged it.  They critique what celebrities are wearing.  I love the show.  But they will show something crazy and say "It's high fashion" like you would say about someone who just ain't right so make allowances.  They show celebs wearing hot, hot messes straight off the runway and I am supposed to be awed by them.  Yet another reason to just say no, no drugs, no being fooled by so called High Fashion.  

High Fashion reminds me of the story The Emperors New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen.  A couple of tailors convince the Emperor that they are making him clothes from the most fabulous fabric.  It cannot be seen by stupid people or people unfit for their position.  Of course, there is no cloth, no clothes, but no one will admit that there is a problem for fear of being seen as stupid or unfit.  The Emperor struts through town, naked, and everyone oohs and ahhs over his clothes.  Until a child cries out he isn't wearing anything.  Then others take up the cry, the Emperor realizes they are right but doesn't acknowledge them.  I guess he didn't want to them to see how he had been taken in.  So he continues to walk through a procession line, probably much like a runway, looking like a fool, for fear of looking like a fool.  Do you get the logic? 

I am not afraid of being seen as stupid or a fool.  Oh, if only I were.  So, I will just say that yes fashion evolves, taste change, people move on.  Good for us!  But crazy is crazy anyway you slice it.  Just because someone says something is good doesn't make it so.  No matter what their lofty postion in life or the fashion industry. 

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