Saturday, February 11, 2012

Today's topic Parenting in Public.  I am actually just going to comment on one aspect of parenting in public so don't get too over wrought. 

Just a day or so ago a man tried to grab a little girl from a Walmart.  She was out of school sick.  She and her mom were shopping when he attempted to take her.  I am so proud this little girl fought hard enough, long enough that he gave up and left.  I want to make sure that everyone understands he is the true villain.  No child should be taken by some evil, evil person. 

However, I am so mad at this girl's mother.  What does she mean letting her baby go over a couple of aisles alone to look at toys?  Why not just hand her over?  I just want to smack this mom around.  I know you shouldn't blame the victim, but I don't care.  The child is the victim, the mother the idiot.  So, I don't have a big problem being mad at her.  She victimized her own child. 

I see this all the time, I mean all the time.  Parents that let their precious little ones go unattended in public.  I know we have to let our children learn to play and get along in life without us.  I know that.  But you can let them play and learn to be independent and still be watching over them.

I have kindly confronted parents about this.  Truly, I haven't been arrested yet and I think that means I have been nice about it.  Seriously, I don't scream or yell or even let them see how furious I am.  I just remind them that there are bad, bad people out looking for chances at children.  I usually get a very bland and somewhat defencive reply.  Like there is any defence for letting your child out of your sight in a huge store.  So many stories of children being snatched come from large stores.  Your children will live, I mean literally, if they don't get to go look at the toys or the fish or bikes etc.  They may not if you aren't watching. 

Once a few years ago my niece, Rachel, purposefully left the area we were in because she wanted her own way.  We were in a grocery store and I was the adult in charge.  I brought the hammer down hard.  To me that is non negotiable. There is no reason or excuse a kid can have that makes it OK.
She didn't get a spanking if that is what you are thinking.  I just took the thing she wanted most away for the whole day, to a small child that is big.  I wanted her to understand I was serious. She did and you will note she is still with our family.

You may think you have taught your children to be smart, but, maybe not so much.  I have been lost (thank you dyslexia) many times and come across children playing who oh, so quickly and willingly come over to help me out.  I usually get the information I need thank them and remind them don't talk to strangers and that some people aren't nice like me.

Before, I get a lot of comments from people saying that it isn't always something the parent can prevent.  I know that, thanks.  I am talking this time in our lives where there are unfeeling, desperate people making opportunities to take children away to fulfill their evil, lustful, terrible appetites.  A parent is supposed to protect their child not put them in harms way. 

Make sure you know where your children are. Don't let yourself be distracted by a good sale or something pretty or be lured away.  Be on your toes and aware that the evil doers are always thinking of new ways to take children away from their parents.  Be smarter than they are, please, for the sake of the children.


  1. 120% agree! It is now hard when that kid is a teen and I don't want him to go 2 aisles away. And don't confront... you will get arrested or worse someday

  2. Marion, Well said! I couldn't agree more!
