Saturday, January 21, 2012

Today's topic the whiny babies who can't handle life.  I have noticed there are people who I have to tiptoe around for fear of offending them.  You know people who get upset over everything and for some reason everyone else in the room has to be aware of their tender hearts.  Give me a break!!  I have come to realize that this is how they get to control situations. I know there is truly offensive stuff out there and truly offensive people.  But you also have your don't speak of this in front of me crowd, don't voice your opinion for fear of hurting me.  Kiss my blankety blank blank, that's right I said it. (Sorry, I am not much of a swearer, I hope you are OK with that.) Grow some skin!  Learn to brush things off and keep moving on. 

 People have said things to my face that would cause these frail flowers to faint and I just roll with it. Things like "I know why you're single, you scare all the men away."  It was funny to see her realize what she had said and think "Oh, no!"  She is surely right.  I can handle the truth.  I wasn't in the least bit offended, that doesn't mean it didn't register but I didn't even blink.  Conversely, it gives the jerks very little power over you if you don't let them get under your skin. I just let things roll off.  I don't care if people like me, oh, I want them to but in the end if someone doesn't like me fine.  There are plenty of people I can't stand.  Most of them are in the easily offended category. 

There  are people out there looking for problems, reasons to be upset so everyone around them has to be aware of them and their needs.  I have seen people leave their church because of some misspoken word or two, go to the boss because they can't function if so in so says this or that.  I am sure a few of those in my life were caused (for lack of a better word) by me.  But most of the situations I speak of I have witnessed or been part of the aftermath. 

 Once, I will unashamedly admit I used the easily offended card, not because I was truly offended but because I just wanted to be done.  A co worker and I had briefly discussed some political issue, I don't even remember what it was now, we discussed the issue in a fairly private setting at work away from patients and other staff.  I think in an effort to push me around, he brought the issue up in front of others, I am sure because he know they would be in agreement with his point of view.  So, he and the others went back and forth with me for a while.  We didn't fight per se, but I sure wasn't going to back down and I guess they weren't either.  So, after a while I got tired of it.  Honestly, should I have to listen to their crap forever?  So, when my Nurse Manager happened to come around the corner,  I said "I think I am being offended."  It was so funny to see them all but swallow their tongues.  It was wrong of me, I know.  I knew they would be terrified of offending someone and used it to my advantage.  I really didn't want to discuss the issue anymore!  We were in a patient care area our political views had no place there.  Besides, I was right!  You will note that I truly don't remember what I was right about, but still I was.

That is my case in point the easily offended have got us trained to jump with the first waaa out of their mouths. To shut our mouths, change our plans, bend over backwards, give up on our ideas just so their tender sensibilities won't be harmed. That is what is truly offensive!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yeah I have notice the same crud from people and it's to the point that I just cut them out of my life. Lucky for me I don't have to worry about working with others in the work place.
    I'm glad you gave them a taste of their own medicine.
