Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today's topic, Climate Change.
I want to start by saying we have a responsibility to take good care of the Earth. As with anything we own we have a responsibility to keep it up and make it nice.  However, that doesn't mean we let a bunch of loons dictate how we should go about it.

The fact that the name had to be changed from Global Warming to Climate Change really says it all.  Now that the tempature is stable and even cooling the argument that we will all live in a desert waste land is gone.  But, there are those out there who are incredibly egocentric.  They are so grandiose, childhood magical thinking has been taken to a whole new level.  Now, they want everyone to live their fantasy.

What do I mean, you ask?  Well, some how Climate Change is our fault as is frankly, everything else wrong with the Earth. For example, I really love documentaries about nature.  Usually, about animal life on the planet.  As a child there was an undertone of us encroaching on the animal environment and we were the bad guys.  This has increased over the years.  I challenge you to watch and you will see with a few exceptions it is pointed out how horrible we are for ruining the animals habitat in some way or form.  

Before humans ever walked on the Earth we know there was a long time of warmth.  In fact, the Earth was warmer and moister than it is now.  You know when the dinosaurs walked.   Before humans ever walked the Earth we know there was an Ice Age and the Earth bears the scars to prove it.  Oh, and the fossils left behind by the sudden, dare I say, climate change. 

We know for about 300 years there was a warm period followed by a cooling period from around the 10th to 13th centuries.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are busy teaching our children that Climate Change is their fault. For years our children were taught that Global Warming is all because of us.  When I was in the fourth or fifth grade we were being taught that an Ice Age was approaching and you guessed it, it was our fault. 

We are able to change our climate because we drive cars, burn fuel for warmth etc.  Really, even though we are insignificant things that will come and go on this planet that has rotated in space for billions of years, we have power to competely ruin the place.  Right.

That takes me back to the magical thinking.  How insignificant must they feel to try and prove that we have a lasting change on the Earth.  It almost makes me feel sorry for them for having such low self esteem they need to prove they are indeed the masters of the universe.

Lastly, and more sinister a lot of the loudest voices talking about the inconvenient truth of Climate Change are getting rich off of their idiom.  If they are so concerned about saving the planet don't take so much profit.  Put it back into green initiatives.  But no, you want to have your cake, eat it, have me feel guilty and pay for it.  Right.

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