Monday, January 23, 2012

Today's topic Hair. I know what you are thinking here we are in one of the biggest hot beds of political rife our country has seen in an long time and I am talking about hair. So many better topics, right? Well maybe, if I was a really deep thinker I would draw parallels out of the two, but that probably won't happen. Don't worry, I will get around to politics.

So, hair. I am fascinated by hair, or rather societies reaction to hair. It is considered sexy to have long flowing locks, for women or men. I see people with stringy hair trying to rock a sexy look and want to say "Hey, just cut it!" I myself have short hair, I have had long hair and have nothing against it but don't understand the fear of cutting hair, or doing something a little different. When I suggest a change to someone wondering what to do with their hair, or complaining about having to manage their hair I almost always hear," But then I would have to grow it back out." This is likened to loosing a kidney.

Hair is an accessory. Granted you don't have to change it as often as shoes, or earrings but don't be afraid. Cut it, color it, wear it up or down. If you cut hair it will grow back, color will fade. It isn't permanent like a tattoo, on that topic, I see people with tattoos weird out quickly over cutting their hair. Hey, you have made a permanent change to your appearance and you are worried about taking a couple of inches off the length of your hair? Really? You will have the tattoo until you die, but you are worried about something that grows back. OK.

I work with an oncology population and have come to love the bald head. I like hair too, but have noticed over the years that I am more attracted to bald men than before working with this population. I am amazed at all the science and money poored into hair restoration. The testimonials for this or that hair loss solution always talk about how much better life is going since the hair is back. This is probably true, and I do understand wanting hair since is such a large piece of our sense of self worth. Working with the oncology population has taught me that too. I like it when the kids use the need for a wig to explore with some boldness, different colors, length styles can all come in to play. Some where hats, scarves or head bands. I have seen some kids and adults too, just boldly step out there with no hair and I love it. I love that they aren't afraid not just to be seen bald but sick as well. There is a difference with balding and chemo hair loss. I don't know, it just looks different. Chemo hair loss can be head, facial and body hair and you can just look and see a difference. It makes them more vulnerable, but they don't care if they stand out. I wish that I were that bold. Don't you?

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