Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today's topic Religion. Don't get worried people, I am not going to proselyte.  I just want to comment for a few moments on religious persecution.  

I want to make sure anyone who believes in any higher power knows I mean them too. Not just the traditional Judeo-Christian crowd.  But that is my wheel house, where I come from and how I view things.

Recently, there was a case in Rhode Island of a young girl, self identified as an atheist, who had concerns about a mural in her school. I think it contained the words Heavenly Father and Amen.  It had hung unassumingly on a wall for almost 50 years.  It was taken down.  There were many hateful and angry comments made about this girl.  I fully support her right to not believe.  That is her prerogative.  I don't have as much concern about her as I do the decision to accommodate one person. Talk about the 1%!  (see post one regarding whiny babies)  I would love it if my world worked that way, if what I want means more than the majority around me.

 Ironically, atheists call their non belief their religion.  What do they do?  Get together on a nonspecific day of the week to talk in non specific terms about how good it is to not fellowship with other non believers?  Their whole "religion" hinges on the fact that they don't believe in any higher power.

 It isn't non believers that make me wary, but those who want to shove their agenda on me.  They argue they are just protecting themselves from us pushing our beliefs on them. Sure.  I think they are just busy trying to make it hard for me to show my faith.  I am not talking about passing out religious text or praying out loud all the time in public. Although, if that is what people want to do that is their business.  Yet, sometimes when I am out to eat and I see someone make a production of blessing the food in public it bothers me.  Really, you couldn't have blessed it before you got to the resturaunt?  The blessing doesn't expire. I don't like people who do things to be seen of men.  I am talking about with dignity remembering in all times and all places that I am a child of God and not having to hide or feel bad about it.

About a year or so ago I saw a movie called the Invention of Lying.  It was supposed to be funny.  At first after I saw it I just didn't like it.  As time has passed and I think about it now, I think what an awful film.  Spoiler alert.  The theme is that there is an alternate universe or some other world where people don't lie. Part of the movie is people just saying whatever they think.  There is a difference between being completely honest and having no filter at all.  Another part of the film is how a man, to give his mother peace, makes up God, Heaven etc.  This is supposed to be funny that religion is all made up.  As I type this, I am given new hope.  It was interesting how joyful and happy the mother, and others in this world were to hear about God, Heaven and even learn about having commandments. They were happy to get the good news. Even in a movie trying hard to make believers look bad they couldn't do it without depicting joyful people.  So, maybe I am hating this film for nothing.

 I want to encourage you all, in the words of Paul, to fight a good fight, finish your course and keep the faith. (2nd Timothy 4:7) The secular community is out en force trying to shut us up, push us down, and keep us from having any say in how our communities are run.  I think there is a difference between turning the other cheek and being a door mat.  I don't advocate looking for trouble but stand firm in what you believe and don't back down. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah.... It's completely a double standard. If we dare be religious in public we offend some atheist. But they can swear, use the lords name in vain, etc.... That offend me and I have to take it. What a LOAD!
