Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today's topic Religion. Don't get worried people, I am not going to proselyte.  I just want to comment for a few moments on religious persecution.  

I want to make sure anyone who believes in any higher power knows I mean them too. Not just the traditional Judeo-Christian crowd.  But that is my wheel house, where I come from and how I view things.

Recently, there was a case in Rhode Island of a young girl, self identified as an atheist, who had concerns about a mural in her school. I think it contained the words Heavenly Father and Amen.  It had hung unassumingly on a wall for almost 50 years.  It was taken down.  There were many hateful and angry comments made about this girl.  I fully support her right to not believe.  That is her prerogative.  I don't have as much concern about her as I do the decision to accommodate one person. Talk about the 1%!  (see post one regarding whiny babies)  I would love it if my world worked that way, if what I want means more than the majority around me.

 Ironically, atheists call their non belief their religion.  What do they do?  Get together on a nonspecific day of the week to talk in non specific terms about how good it is to not fellowship with other non believers?  Their whole "religion" hinges on the fact that they don't believe in any higher power.

 It isn't non believers that make me wary, but those who want to shove their agenda on me.  They argue they are just protecting themselves from us pushing our beliefs on them. Sure.  I think they are just busy trying to make it hard for me to show my faith.  I am not talking about passing out religious text or praying out loud all the time in public. Although, if that is what people want to do that is their business.  Yet, sometimes when I am out to eat and I see someone make a production of blessing the food in public it bothers me.  Really, you couldn't have blessed it before you got to the resturaunt?  The blessing doesn't expire. I don't like people who do things to be seen of men.  I am talking about with dignity remembering in all times and all places that I am a child of God and not having to hide or feel bad about it.

About a year or so ago I saw a movie called the Invention of Lying.  It was supposed to be funny.  At first after I saw it I just didn't like it.  As time has passed and I think about it now, I think what an awful film.  Spoiler alert.  The theme is that there is an alternate universe or some other world where people don't lie. Part of the movie is people just saying whatever they think.  There is a difference between being completely honest and having no filter at all.  Another part of the film is how a man, to give his mother peace, makes up God, Heaven etc.  This is supposed to be funny that religion is all made up.  As I type this, I am given new hope.  It was interesting how joyful and happy the mother, and others in this world were to hear about God, Heaven and even learn about having commandments. They were happy to get the good news. Even in a movie trying hard to make believers look bad they couldn't do it without depicting joyful people.  So, maybe I am hating this film for nothing.

 I want to encourage you all, in the words of Paul, to fight a good fight, finish your course and keep the faith. (2nd Timothy 4:7) The secular community is out en force trying to shut us up, push us down, and keep us from having any say in how our communities are run.  I think there is a difference between turning the other cheek and being a door mat.  I don't advocate looking for trouble but stand firm in what you believe and don't back down. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today's topic, Climate Change.
I want to start by saying we have a responsibility to take good care of the Earth. As with anything we own we have a responsibility to keep it up and make it nice.  However, that doesn't mean we let a bunch of loons dictate how we should go about it.

The fact that the name had to be changed from Global Warming to Climate Change really says it all.  Now that the tempature is stable and even cooling the argument that we will all live in a desert waste land is gone.  But, there are those out there who are incredibly egocentric.  They are so grandiose, childhood magical thinking has been taken to a whole new level.  Now, they want everyone to live their fantasy.

What do I mean, you ask?  Well, some how Climate Change is our fault as is frankly, everything else wrong with the Earth. For example, I really love documentaries about nature.  Usually, about animal life on the planet.  As a child there was an undertone of us encroaching on the animal environment and we were the bad guys.  This has increased over the years.  I challenge you to watch and you will see with a few exceptions it is pointed out how horrible we are for ruining the animals habitat in some way or form.  

Before humans ever walked on the Earth we know there was a long time of warmth.  In fact, the Earth was warmer and moister than it is now.  You know when the dinosaurs walked.   Before humans ever walked the Earth we know there was an Ice Age and the Earth bears the scars to prove it.  Oh, and the fossils left behind by the sudden, dare I say, climate change. 

We know for about 300 years there was a warm period followed by a cooling period from around the 10th to 13th centuries.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are busy teaching our children that Climate Change is their fault. For years our children were taught that Global Warming is all because of us.  When I was in the fourth or fifth grade we were being taught that an Ice Age was approaching and you guessed it, it was our fault. 

We are able to change our climate because we drive cars, burn fuel for warmth etc.  Really, even though we are insignificant things that will come and go on this planet that has rotated in space for billions of years, we have power to competely ruin the place.  Right.

That takes me back to the magical thinking.  How insignificant must they feel to try and prove that we have a lasting change on the Earth.  It almost makes me feel sorry for them for having such low self esteem they need to prove they are indeed the masters of the universe.

Lastly, and more sinister a lot of the loudest voices talking about the inconvenient truth of Climate Change are getting rich off of their idiom.  If they are so concerned about saving the planet don't take so much profit.  Put it back into green initiatives.  But no, you want to have your cake, eat it, have me feel guilty and pay for it.  Right.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today's topic, Taxes.  OK, I have to wax political.  You don't have to like what I say, but just know I am right.  I say this with conviction.  I don't claim to be the smartest in the world, but that doesn't mean I have no sense.  In the South, having sense is often more important than smarts.  Who cares if you are smart if you can't figure your way out of a paper bag?

So, taxes.  With all the Occupy Wall Street crap, and our President wanting to level the playing field it is a wonder my head hasn't exploded.  Which is good that it hasn't, no one I know well wants to clean my gray matter from the floor and ceiling.

First, raising taxes on the rich to "help" the poor.  There are many arguments out there for and against.  I don't really have an argument as much as a realistic point of view.  I bear no ill will toward the rich and get irritated with the under tone of the media conversation that some how the rich got that way by nefarious means.  I know there are cheaters out there.  Again, I am not stupid.  However, I don't believe for even a moment that all the rich are rich because they steal the wealth from others. At the same time, I am very aware that they live good lives and can afford things that most of us wish for or dream about. 

 Here is my point of view.  They are used to the lives they have built. The rich will not just give up their profit margins.  They pass the loss of revenue on to me and you.  We pay more for clothes, food, gas, hotels, cars, vacations, shoes, beauty treatments (had to work Hair in the conversation) etc the list is endless.  What ever they loose by paying higher taxes they will pass on to the consumer.   So, in the end we pay their higher taxes.  Surely, I am not the only one who understands this?

I am for a flat tax that would be simple and easy.  I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is so controversial when it makes so much sense.  No tax loop holes or deductions.  I like 10%, at least as an example.  You make a 1,000,000 dollars you pay 100,000 dollars, you make 100,000 you pay 10,000 dollars, you make 50,000 dollars you pay 5,000 dollars.  Simple, simple, simple.  I didn't have to take more than a few seconds to figure out all the math.  Why does that scare people so badly? Why do they argue it isn't fair? 

I think the answer is they aren't interested in fair.  So, here are my questions for the people fighting for fairness. When has it ever been fair to take what is not yours?   Who gets to decide who is rich? Who gets to decide who deserves what?  I am confident that the people who would make the decisions aren't any more altruistic or honest than the so called evil rich.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Today's topic Hair. I know what you are thinking here we are in one of the biggest hot beds of political rife our country has seen in an long time and I am talking about hair. So many better topics, right? Well maybe, if I was a really deep thinker I would draw parallels out of the two, but that probably won't happen. Don't worry, I will get around to politics.

So, hair. I am fascinated by hair, or rather societies reaction to hair. It is considered sexy to have long flowing locks, for women or men. I see people with stringy hair trying to rock a sexy look and want to say "Hey, just cut it!" I myself have short hair, I have had long hair and have nothing against it but don't understand the fear of cutting hair, or doing something a little different. When I suggest a change to someone wondering what to do with their hair, or complaining about having to manage their hair I almost always hear," But then I would have to grow it back out." This is likened to loosing a kidney.

Hair is an accessory. Granted you don't have to change it as often as shoes, or earrings but don't be afraid. Cut it, color it, wear it up or down. If you cut hair it will grow back, color will fade. It isn't permanent like a tattoo, on that topic, I see people with tattoos weird out quickly over cutting their hair. Hey, you have made a permanent change to your appearance and you are worried about taking a couple of inches off the length of your hair? Really? You will have the tattoo until you die, but you are worried about something that grows back. OK.

I work with an oncology population and have come to love the bald head. I like hair too, but have noticed over the years that I am more attracted to bald men than before working with this population. I am amazed at all the science and money poored into hair restoration. The testimonials for this or that hair loss solution always talk about how much better life is going since the hair is back. This is probably true, and I do understand wanting hair since is such a large piece of our sense of self worth. Working with the oncology population has taught me that too. I like it when the kids use the need for a wig to explore with some boldness, different colors, length styles can all come in to play. Some where hats, scarves or head bands. I have seen some kids and adults too, just boldly step out there with no hair and I love it. I love that they aren't afraid not just to be seen bald but sick as well. There is a difference with balding and chemo hair loss. I don't know, it just looks different. Chemo hair loss can be head, facial and body hair and you can just look and see a difference. It makes them more vulnerable, but they don't care if they stand out. I wish that I were that bold. Don't you?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Today's topic the whiny babies who can't handle life.  I have noticed there are people who I have to tiptoe around for fear of offending them.  You know people who get upset over everything and for some reason everyone else in the room has to be aware of their tender hearts.  Give me a break!!  I have come to realize that this is how they get to control situations. I know there is truly offensive stuff out there and truly offensive people.  But you also have your don't speak of this in front of me crowd, don't voice your opinion for fear of hurting me.  Kiss my blankety blank blank, that's right I said it. (Sorry, I am not much of a swearer, I hope you are OK with that.) Grow some skin!  Learn to brush things off and keep moving on. 

 People have said things to my face that would cause these frail flowers to faint and I just roll with it. Things like "I know why you're single, you scare all the men away."  It was funny to see her realize what she had said and think "Oh, no!"  She is surely right.  I can handle the truth.  I wasn't in the least bit offended, that doesn't mean it didn't register but I didn't even blink.  Conversely, it gives the jerks very little power over you if you don't let them get under your skin. I just let things roll off.  I don't care if people like me, oh, I want them to but in the end if someone doesn't like me fine.  There are plenty of people I can't stand.  Most of them are in the easily offended category. 

There  are people out there looking for problems, reasons to be upset so everyone around them has to be aware of them and their needs.  I have seen people leave their church because of some misspoken word or two, go to the boss because they can't function if so in so says this or that.  I am sure a few of those in my life were caused (for lack of a better word) by me.  But most of the situations I speak of I have witnessed or been part of the aftermath. 

 Once, I will unashamedly admit I used the easily offended card, not because I was truly offended but because I just wanted to be done.  A co worker and I had briefly discussed some political issue, I don't even remember what it was now, we discussed the issue in a fairly private setting at work away from patients and other staff.  I think in an effort to push me around, he brought the issue up in front of others, I am sure because he know they would be in agreement with his point of view.  So, he and the others went back and forth with me for a while.  We didn't fight per se, but I sure wasn't going to back down and I guess they weren't either.  So, after a while I got tired of it.  Honestly, should I have to listen to their crap forever?  So, when my Nurse Manager happened to come around the corner,  I said "I think I am being offended."  It was so funny to see them all but swallow their tongues.  It was wrong of me, I know.  I knew they would be terrified of offending someone and used it to my advantage.  I really didn't want to discuss the issue anymore!  We were in a patient care area our political views had no place there.  Besides, I was right!  You will note that I truly don't remember what I was right about, but still I was.

That is my case in point the easily offended have got us trained to jump with the first waaa out of their mouths. To shut our mouths, change our plans, bend over backwards, give up on our ideas just so their tender sensibilities won't be harmed. That is what is truly offensive!!