Saturday, April 7, 2012

Today's topic thoughts of Christ. Again, I am not trying to proselyte, have no fear, but this is my blog so I get to write about things I want to write about. This is Easter, a time we celebrate our Savior's triumph over sin and death. I think of all it, where did we come from, why are we here and were do we go when it is all over. Those are big questions. I am so grateful to have been given big answers.

My thoughts are so many when it comes to this topic. First, briefly, evolution vs creationism. Those who believe in the evolutionary theory seem to think that we believers of creationism don't understand science, how it works etc. I don't claim to know all there is to know about science but I know that God, the Creator, used science to create the earth and all else. He understands and uses science perfectly. He created it. We are the ones who cannot grasp his perfect ability to do all so, some claim it cannot be. I truly believe with God nothing is impossible.

Secondly, agency or free will. One argument against belief in God is why would He allow such atrocities, famine, war, murder, horrible, unspeakable things to his precious little ones. I would remind you that He loves us, respects us, understands the importance of freely choosing to obey and knows perfectly what it means to take someones free will. Even Satan, the father of all lies, understands the importance of obedience to God's commands. If God commands Satan to leave he must leave, feel free to read the scriptures for yourself, (again not proselyting, just inviting you to get your own information).

Lastly, we come to why we need a Savior, why Jesus Christ is the way and means we can enter into our Father's presence. When we leave this mortal coil we go to be with our Heavenly Father, if we are repentant. Repentance is more than saying you are sorry to God. Repentance means you recognize sin, feel truly sorry, forsake the sin and make restitution to those harmed. That is why the Atonement (Webster's “the reconciliation of God and human kind through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.”) is so amazing. God cannot look at sin with the least bit of acceptance, so how can we become clean of the stains our sins cause? Our Savior, Jesus Christ suffered for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, he then gave up his life on the cross and took his life up again on the third day. He was resurrected and brought eternal life to us all. He suffered for our sins so that we can follow the steps of repentance and be forgiven. Without Him, we wouldn't have the option to use the repentance process. He makes it possible for us to become clean, He has set a perfect example for us to follow.

I recently heard a religious based talk where the speaker quoted a bumper sticker he saw. It read "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." How absolutely true that is! We all get up tight over each others sins and decide we are somehow better. Don't get me wrong, we still need to understand the difference between right and wrong, recognizing sin isn't a problem how we treat the sinner can be if we treat them in an unChrist like manner.

That takes me back to my original thoughts of Jesus Christ, he is the literal son of God, he is the Savior of the world, the only way and means to return to our Heavenly Father. He set a perfect example and has given us a pattern to follow. If only I were a good follower, I seem to let myself wander away from the straight and narrow path, I let my self get distracted over things of the world and worry too much over things I cannot change. How grateful I am that even though I choose to disobey, even though I am so flawed, my Savior loves me perfectly and if it had been just me to pay such a high price for He would have. Just as He would if it were only you.

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