Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today's topic Junk food.  Or as I like to think of it, heaven.  There is a movement, granted small, but there to call sugar a toxic substance.  I think it may be, clearly, too much has rotted the brains of those claiming it is bad.  Just kidding.  I think it is relevant to look at what sugar does to us.  Not all junk food is sugar based, let us not leave out chips, dips, other crunchy delights and one of my favorites fat. Ummm, fat. When you mix the fat and sugar together, ahhh.

What does junk food do to us?  We get fat, we get hyper, we get diabetes, we loose our teeth, we have heart attacks.  These can have serious and dangerous effects on our lives.  Junk food can make you do some crazy things, see the above.  However, junk food also isn't like so many things that are bad for us.  We don't go on shooting rampages, steal or beat each other up because we are hyped up on sugar or want money to buy more sugar or loose our sense of right and wrong because we are strung out on sugar.  "Man, you will not believe, I had some pure cane sugar last night, wow, I can't remember what I did after the second slice of cake!"  See, you never hear that.

I admit to being a junk food junkie.  I am amazed at some of the inventive new junk foo (sorry, had to get some Cheetos, all this talk about junk food made me hungry) d creations.  I will admit to trying some things.  Way before they ever created Double Stuffed Oreos, I was taking two and putting the cream parts together.  Until this year, though, I have never had a fluffenutter (marshmellow fluff and peanut butter) sandwich.  But once I had one, I then created the fluff, Nutella, peanut butter and banana sandwich.  It was very good. I have had a couple of them.

There is a way to moderate our sugar or junk food intake, we just have to choose to do so.  Now, those of you who know me know I am not giving a lecture but rather stating fact. How we do is the tricky thing.  Some people allow themselves a little something, a cookie, a piece of candy a day.  Some, allow themselves something once a week and you get the picture.  Allow is the operative word, they constrain and allow themselves a reward. They think about their calorie intake and output and what is worth putting in their mouth.

 Some people eat whatever they want and don't put on an ounce and are as healthy as a horse.  These are the ones we all hate, and not even secretly, we are out there and serious.  I have known people like that I didn't hate, but was in envy of them.  I once worked with a guy who ate junk food all the time.  I heard that he and some others calculated his caloric intake at about 5,000 a day.  And there he was, his ol' average weight self, telling the story and eating gummy bears or something.

I haven't really got the knack of self denial very well.  I go through spurts of really good self control.  These spurts can last as long as an hour.  Then I am back on the sugar, fat, crunchy road to an early death.  And as I walk down that ooey, gooey, tasty road I usually have a smile on my face.


  1. I actually laughed out loud on this one! Haha! My favorite part "I go through spurts of really good self control. These spurts can last as long as an hour." Oh man! Marian you are funny! :)

  2. Marian - you are so awesome!
