Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today's topic. Celebrities.  Oh, I love them.  I watch movies or TV shows because of them.  I admire them for bringing causes to the fore and working to make the world a better place.  I have met a few celebrities, it was very exciting.  I know how if feels to admire and recognize their work. 

So, that being said, celebrities amaze me.  They are so self congratulatory. There is an award show or tribute for something practically every day.  They wear fancy clothes and give fancy speeches about their work and what brought them to the role etc.  They accept statues and put their feet and hands into concrete while cameras flash all around them.  They smile and give autographs to their adoring public.

 But part of me can't believe all the hype. They can act, sing and dance. And I have had them leave me in tears over their emotive, touching performances.  But, at the end of the day, all they did was act, or sing, or dance.  They aren't actually the characters they portray.  They are just people, sometimes flawed, arrogant people, sometimes flawed, genuine people.  But just people.  

Despite all the awards and adulation, all they did was act, sing or dance.  They may have done their own stunts.  They may be physically fit and lovely to look at, and really nice people.   But they didn't  put out a fire, catch the bad guys, or actually save the world.  They just pretended to.
 Yet, we allow them tremendous influence in our lives. I see it and even participate in allowing their influence. How people dress, do their hair, and makeup is often taken directly from the celebrities we admire. That is fine as long as it isn't the extreme. Letting ones life be led by what a celebrity does is a little crazy. They shouldn't have more influence over you than your family or friends. 

I feel that is great for them to lend their celebrity to causes, feeding the poor, AIDS, Habitat for Humanity.  These are worthy causes and good for them for being willing to put a spot light on these and other worthy issues. 

But, I don't think they should tell us how to vote.  That is where I say shut up and sing.  Honestly, keep your politics to yourself.  There is a difference in helping with humanitarian causes, fighting for the down trodden and pushing their political views on us.  Their ability to perform in the arts doesn't mean that somehow they know what is best for our country, for goodness sakes.  So, to all you Hollywood types right or left, this political season will you please, just shut up and sing? 

Thank you ever so much for not annoying the crap out of me.

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