Thursday, March 8, 2012

Today's topic Contraception. I have a few thoughts on the whole contraception debate going on now. As usual I will just say what ever I want. You can agree or not but I hope it makes you think.

First, contraception. Contraception is not wrong. Use which ever suits you best. There are many choices, the Pill, condoms, abstinence, IUDs, shots and more. You and your partner should decide which works best for you and when or if you want children. I do sometimes get amused/irritated depending on the situation when women, who have been telling their bodies for years and years to not conceive act surprised when they have trouble getting pregnant. I stand by contraception as absolutely fine, but don't be shocked if your body decides to do what you have been telling it over and over again.

I am finding it difficult to believe the out cry about our government trying to mandate what religious organizations have to offer their employees is so weak. If the employee wants different benefits get a job that offers them. What, jobs are scarce? I know. That makes it hard. I am sorry for that. Our country was founded by people escaping religious persecution. They came here in a time when most people didn't venture far from home. They faced starvation, deprivation and a hostile environment all because their desire for freedom meant so much to them that they were literally willing to die for it. So, forgive me if I don't want to hear you whine about getting your contraception for free.

I can't believe that more people aren't shouting in the streets, marching on Washington, calling their Congressmen and Senators demanding the government stay away from mandating people go against their conscience. If you choose to follow the dictates of your religion that says contraception is wrong no one should make you do any differently. NO ONE. We have been letting our government tell us what to do for so long they forgot they work for us, not the other way around.

Now, this whole Fluke thing. First, I have never been a Rush fan either the rock band or the talk show host. I also have a problem with liars, or at the very least disingenuous people. I don't fore see a time when BS is something I just accept. So, there won't be a fluke, or in this case Fluke.

As, many of you may have heard a Georgetown law student, with the last name of Fluke, went before Congress to discuss the difficulty of going to Georgetown and not having your contraception covered. See, I take issue with this. You sit in front of Congress and tell them you can't afford the 1,000 dollar a year cost of contraception. Who do you think you are BSing? How dumb am I supposed to be?

You are at Georgetown, not community college. I am 100% confident you can get a loan for 1000 a year if that is what you need to do. If you leave grad school owing an extra 1000 dollars a year you are coming out smelling like roses. Don't try to sell me some story about contraception being cost prohibitive, I won't buy it. No pun intended.

A thousand dollars a year for contraception? Do you use gold plated condoms? You can obtain condoms for free from Planned Parenthood and other entities. Not only that, I am willing to guess a lot of men carry them hoping for a chance. What kind of pills or diaphragm can you possibly have that would cost a thousand dollars? I am sorry, you will have to figure out a way to not get knocked up in grad school on your own.

Then to sit and act like you were somehow blindsided by the fact that your school didn't pay for your contraception when you have documented the fact that you were going there specifically to change the policy is smarmy. I wouldn't be as bothered by the Fluke if she had been forthright and said she chose Georgetown to change things. But, instead she went before Congress saying that she had found other women like her and she was grateful for the chance to speak for them. LIAR. Calling her a liar isn't as bad as what Rush called her, right? Oh, and in this case she is what she is being called. And she said there were women who used the pill for non contraceptive reasons being denied and they faced dire consequences. Really, dire? Oh, no my period is irregular! What will I do in this dire situation?

Rush is annoying to me. Don't get me started on how he irritates me or this will turn into something else altogether. He was wrong to call her a slut. He was wrong to wax profound, at least in his own mind, about what she did with 1.000 dollars a year in contraception. He should have called her disingenuous or a liar that would have been accurate. I am glad that he realized what a crud he had been and apologized. Whether he was sincere or not I don't know. I don't think he apologizes for his outrageous comments often, so I am surprised she refused his apology. I think that makes her look bad but then again she is already outed as a liar so how much worse could she look?

People, we cannot allow this. Our government shouldn't be mandating us to do things that violate our religious conscience. We shouldn't have self appointed advocates going to Congress to BS and waste the people's time.

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