Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today's topic Creationism vs Evolution.  You know there are a lot of people with a lot of ideas about who is right.  Maybe I am crazy, but I don't think just one is right.  Oh, don't mistake me, I absolutely believe that the earth, moon, stars and all things in or on them are created by a loving Father in Heaven.  However, I have no problem believing He used science, particularly since He invented it, to create our world. 
Disclaimer: Many of the things I will address in this post come from my LDS roots, but I do not represent the LDS church. Though colored by my relgious views I have my own thoughts and ideas.

So, evolution says there was a big bang and over billions of years we became what we are from nothing to a single cell, to complex creatures.  Creation says there is a God who created us and the world for us which to some is far fetched.  I find evolution harder to swallow than the idea that an Omnipotent being creating everything.

For some reason most of us assume it is all or nothing.  Either we came from nothing until a big bang or we came from nothing until God created us. The scriptures tell us God created the world in six days.  Some may have a problem with what I am about to say, but I don't care.  I believe that to make it easy on us lesser beings that God called his creative periods days.  You know as I wrote the words lesser beings, which we are, I was struck that even so our Father in Heaven loves us and wants us to be happy.  So much so that He created this beautiful, magnificent planet and has let us come here to learn.  Since, in the beginning there was no earth to rotate every 24 hours there was no day. So, who is to say what he meant by using the word day?  

 I don't believe that it is all or nothing. I believe God used science to create. He understands and uses the laws of science.  He has absolute knowledge of how to make those laws work at His will. When I hear people question how old the earth is by our best science vs what the scriptures say I get a little irritated. I have thought about the scriptures and miracles. The miracle of turning water into wine, the loaves and fishes etc. They all started with something. Meaning, the water was turned into wine it didn't just appear. The loaves and fishes fed a multitude with baskets left over even though there was really only enough to feed a hand full and instead fed thousands. The thought that there may have been materials available for God to create with makes sense to me. 

 Who says He created the earth out of nothing? I can't think of a miracle where something came out of nothing. I know of miracles that we know little about how they were accomplished such as manna from Heaven. We just know that it would be there in the mornings. How it got there I don't know but since it is called manna from Heaven I have an idea.  

As to learning we think we know better.  You know, we have been to college, we have high tech devices at our finger tips (while I write this I mean literally) we send people into space, we can perform surgery in utero.  I mean we can do amazing, incredible things.  We are so advanced so much smarter than our ancestors.  We get smarter every day.  Except that that is what we really think. We aren't smarter, we just know more, which is different.  So, of course we don't think that God could know more than we.  After all we are sophisticated and wise. 

One of my problems with the theory of evolution is why didn't every thing evolve?  Why did we become human but crocodiles stay basically the same for millions of years?  We are supposed to believe natural selection made us men and women and cats, well cats.  Genetic mutations created us not an Omnipotent Omniscient being.  To be clear a big bang, a single cell, to single cells living in groups to simple sea creatures, and yada yada yada here I am!  I still find that more far fetched than a higher power. 

I was just struck by the notion evolution tells us how, natural selection, and Heavenly Father teaches us why.  Moses 1:39 "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

So, we have a how and we have a why.  In my head I keep thinking about children and their favorite question.  It isn't how, it is why.  Why would we choose to believe that we just happened instead of we are children of a loving Father in Heaven?  I can't think of a good reason why.

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