Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Today's topic How dumb am I supposed to be? OK, I have been trying so hard to keep my cool about our present political environment but I just can't take it anymore.

My concerns today are thus:

1. Taxing the rich. I don't want to defend rich people. I want to defend myself.  Every time taxes are raised on the so called rich, I pay. I get a smaller raise, if any, pay more for goods and services while getting less product. Or to save money companies lay off or fire employees which means I have to do more in my community with fewer resources. The government takes taxes and spend as they see fit. They seem to think they know better how to spend my money. Like 800,000 on a conference and more recently 6,000,000. I hear people say that these are a drop in the bucket when compared to what we really spend as a nation. Maybe they are a "drop in the bucket" but drop by drop the bucket is filled. Frankly, we are talking almost 7,000,000 dollars and you can't convince me that that is so little it barely matters. Let me tell you, if I had 7,000,000 dollars of other peoples money to spend with impunity I could do some serious good for the community. I could put kids in college, send them to learn about other cultures, pay for their medicines. The list of the good that could be done with no one putting their hand in the pot can be as broad as our country.

2.  Our President not doing his job. I know it is time to run for re-election and he wants to win. I wish someone would tell him something that helps you win is actually being presidential. You know doing things like defending our country. We have been attacked in 27 countries starting on the anniversary of 9/11 and he wants me to believe it was because of a video that was out since June. Right. Oh, and requests from our now dead ambassador for more security were denied. I am supposed to believe that our President is so genius and so awesome that he can think rings around me and yet he can't put this together. The same President that jumped to conclusions regarding several situations suddenly wants to wait and gather facts. To this day there has been no securing of our embassy, no investigation, no facts. I am supposed to believe he doesn't have time to talk with anyone be they foe or ally at the recent UN conference but he does have time to appear on the View. He can talk to our allies on the phone. He can skip intelligence briefings. He can fly here and there campaigning and still run the country. Because he is so awesome. Yet, it seems like things are falling apart. I feel like he is either stupid, or a closet drunk. Maybe both.

3I am so tired, because I am a conservative, of being labeled a racist, homophobic, ignorant, and greedy. I am none of these things. I just understand that I am responsible for my own self and after I make sure I have my crap together, I need to help others with theirs. I am tired of hearing if I don't support everything a certain group is for I hate them. I am not allowed a different opinion or thoughts on a topic, if I am not spewing the party line then I am a hater. I don't care if you are a person of color or gay. I will like your or dislike you according to how you act, you know the content of your character matters to me.

4.  Somehow it is wrong of me to want to keep the money I earn. I work hard, I earn my pay and I should be able to decide how to lift up my fellow citizens in need.  Every time, I hear some politician talk about some government program as free, I want to scream.  Nothing is free, it is coming out of someones bank account. Mine, yours, ours.  Our government thinks they know better how to use our money.  It is like the inmates are running the asylum. That makes me crazy. There are some many politicians with their faces in the feeding trough, glutting themselves off our hard work while those in need go without and the conservatives are blamed. They really do like to keep people dependent, if the dependents were actually able to lift themselves up they wouldn't need these greedy parasites who say they are helping while pushing down the down trodden. If people really understood how insidious and pervasive the system of dependency was they would be so outraged we would vote them all out and start over.

Well, I think I got most of what I wanted off my chest.  At least, I feel better.  You may or may not agree with me.  I just wanted to state some things as I see them. I will end by saying that no actual politians were harmed in the typing of this blog.

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