Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today's topic Illegal Immigration, or Illegal Aliens.  There, I am not afraid to say it.  Everyone is trying so desperately to put a prettier spin on things that are ugly.  Illegal aliens are now illegal immigrants because that is nicer.  What ever.  A lie is a lie, whether you call it a fib or white, it is still a lie.  A thief is a thief whether you steal a penny or a million dollars you are still a thief.  And if you come over the border illegally you are still an alien.  Immigrants are welcome aliens not so much. 

Either way you say it the operative word is illegal. It is not lawful to enter our country uninvited. You have to have permission. Thousands of people enter the right way. They stand in line and wait their turn. Why should anyone be able to jump the line?

The definition for alien that I find most salient regarding illegals is "relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government" (Merriam-Webster's).  The illegals do not owe us their allegiance.  They break the law by coming here.  They work under the table, send money back home, somehow get aid that should be for our citizens, and pay no taxes.  That is a sweet gig.  Oh, I can hear you.  They are just trying for a better life, even how poorly they live here is so much better than where they came from.  Really?  Is it so much better to have to hide, to be subject to those who would take advantage of someone who can't get legal help because of fear of exposure?  Is it better to have to worry about when or if someone will turn you in?  That is no better.  Everyone tries to ignore the problem of exploitation in all it's forms.  I am the Meany who wants them to suffer.  Maybe not so much.  Maybe I want them to have opportunities with out fear.
Now I hear, from both sides of the aisle, that it isn't fair to make the poor children drug here kicking and screaming by their parents to go back to the country to which their parents have allegiance. For some reason they shouldn't be punished for their parents bad choices.  Give me a break. They have taught them fear and don't report crimes against their children because they may be found out. 

 Children are subject to their parents whims good or bad.  And good or bad suffer consequences of their parents' decisions.  There are the idiot parents who feel that they are doing a service by making sure an adult is at the party to supervise the underage drinking.  They are the buddies.  Recently, there was a death due to one of those parents' whims.  Parents let their kids ride, what I refer to as death machines, ATVs with no helmet, no supervision and there are tragic outcomes almost every day.  Why should children of aliens have it any better?  I had to bend to my parents parenting whims.  Granted my parents weren't law breakers and teaching me to be a law breaker, but they weren't perfect.

In fact, my parents taught me to respect the law, to have a healthy fear that if I were to do things we the people deem unlawful that I could go to jail.  I choose to obey the laws so that I don't get into trouble.  I make decisions everyday to keep the laws, to do what is right.  How much respect or compassion should I have for those who flaunt the law?  I kind of resent anyone who suggest that I should have too much. That being said,  I don't want anyone to suffer, I want them to have food, clothes and shelter.  Just not off my back and without my choice.  I work hard, I have family that works hard and it isn't fair that my hard earned money goes to those who break the law.  I haven't even touched on all the laws illegals break, all the crimes that are committed from fraud, to rape and murder. We have enough of our own citizens that are cruds we don't need new ones.

I will submit that there are illegals here who want to make a better life and are willing to do whatever they have to in order to give their families that better life.  That is almost noble. They come here work hard, keep the other laws and try to be helpful. Good for them!  Now, they need only do it the right way. 

I think if people feel that their only option into our country is to be here illegally we should look at the process to get here.  Let's look at what you have to do to come to America, were the streets were once purported to have been paved with gold.  Let's look at the crooked dealings of our government programs that allow people to grease palms and come here, thus giving those who are poor and down trodden fewer choices.  Let's look at the process and change it.  There are no rules saying we can't only government officials.  You know the ones getting their palms greased. 

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