Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I have been AWOL for almost a year.  A lot has happened in that time.  In some blog/s to come I will tell you about some of what has happened.  Something I read months ago has been rolling around in my head so here goes. 

Facebook is truly a marvel. It can be used for so many things. Sending love, birthday wishes, expressing out thoughts of the moment, making fun of human nature etc. etc. etc.

One thing I really like about Facebook is that I have friends who are diverse.  We are different in so many ways color, age, location, political views, economic status, educational status, work and so on.  I love having friends who help me to see things in different way.  Sometimes, however, while I get the point, I don't particularly agree with the point.  Today's blog highlights one of those times. 

I was minding my own Facebook business, scrolling, when I came upon this meme by Katha Pollitt.  She is a highly educated writer.  She has contributed to The New Yorker, and, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Harper’s, Ms., Glamour, Mother Jones, The New York Times  the London Review of Books. She has appeared on NPR’s Fresh Air and All Things Considered, Charlie Rose, The McLaughlin Group, CNN, Dateline NBC and the BBC. Her work has been republished in many anthologies and is taught in many university classes. *taken from The Nation for which she is a columnist.  She's smart and well received.  Yet I can't help but take exception to her view on the Ten Commandments. Feel free to look it or her up. Her meme quote says:

"When  you consider that God could have commanded anything He wanted, anything! the Ten Commandments have got to rank as one of the great missed moral opportunities of all time.  How different history would have been if He had clearly and unmistakably forbidden war, tyranny, taking over other people's countries, slavery, exploitation of workers, cruelty to children, wife beating, stoning, treating women or anyone as chattel or inferior beings."

One of the first things that sticks out to me is her use of the word moral. defines moral as:

1.of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical:
moral attitudes.
expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a literary work.
founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom:

The left love to claim the moral high ground even against their Creator. Because they have the moral high ground no one can tell them differently.  Not even God.   

The second word is history.  Holy Cow, part and parcel of the moral high ground is history.  "History will judge", or "you will be on the wrong side of history" is a threat they throw out.  Gasp, not that, please, no.  You mean people who don't know me after I am dead may judge me?  Oh, how will I live with myself?  Yeah, I won't.  I will be dead and won't give a flying crap what people think so give it a rest.  Like history is a living being that can punish me. Marian, I am going to need to you sit down and think about what you've done. Said history, never.

I am not as educated as Ms. Pollitt.  I don't think I have to be to disagree with her premise that God missed an opportunity to be clear.  First, to the Israelite people the commandments were clear. Second, if one thinks they are clear.  But one has to think but really not that hard.

So, here are a few of my thoughts regarding the Ten Commandments.  If you want to read them for yourself they can be found in Exodus chapter 20 in the Old Testament.

Let's look at number one shall we?  Thou shall have no other gods before me.  A god can take many forms. Whether an actual idol or god other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  It can be our being prideful.  Thinking we know better than God.  Putting our own thoughts and ideas up a pedestal to be admired by us and others.  Prideful people tend to be selfish, and unkind, feeling they are better than others which can lead them to think it's OK to hurt and oppress.
Two warns us to not take the Lord's name in vain.  How about we don't think of it as just using the Lord's name as a swear word.  But how about not using the Lord to justify your actions.  No using his name to try to create a reason that you are allowed to do bad things.

How about number three?  Keep the Sabbath day holy.  It's supposed to be a day where we can rest from our routine labors and focus on the Lord.  We're not to work or have those who work for us work on that day.  What constitutes work is left up to us to decide.  But if we are focusing on the Lord on the day of rest and doing his work our minds and hearts will be softened, open to inspiration from Him.

Let's look at honoring our parents.  Part of honoring is showing love and respect.  Loving and respectful people are kind to others and do what is right.

Let's move on to the very clear ones. Thou shalt not kill. I don't think I have to go in too deeply, right?  Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.  You know don't lie, steal, or kill or commit adultery. People who obey these commandments are good and kind people.  They have learned to control their emotions and their passions which makes them very unlikely to hurt others. 

  Lastly, let's take a look here. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.  To covet isn't just to want one of your own but to want their specific house, or wife or anything that belongs to someone other than you.  To want something that isn't yours so much that you are willing to fight, kill, lie etc. is a problem.  People who steer clear of other's things, who seek after their own and practice good will toward others who have more or different are people you can trust. 

He did forbidden war, thou shall not kill, tyranny, thou shalt covet or have other Gods, taking over other people's countries, thou shalt not covet, slavery, thou shalt not use t he name of God in vain, thou shalt not covet, exploitation of workers keep the Sabbath day holy, cruelty to children, honor thy father and mother, wife beating, thou shalt have no other gods, stoning thou shalt not kill , treating women or anyone as chattel or inferior beings thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain, thou shalt not lie. I am positive there are other ways to link these bad acts to not keeping the top ten commandments.  I know that people who are honestly striving to keep the commandments are good salt of the earth people.   

They are the kind of people who try to live their lives like this: The 13th article of faith from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

  Following the Ten Commandments will get us there.  That is the point of them, really, to help us to be higher and better people. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Today's topic, why I cannot vote for Donald Trump.  Or how I see through the B.S. my own way and not the way everyone seems to think I should.  Donald Trump is dangerous, a bit crazy and a bit orange.  The dangerous and crazy are the best reasons to not vote for him, the orange is a slice of superficial.

There are a lot of people on the left who are very vocal and in their disdain and distrust for DT.  Hey, I just noticed his initials are a severe medical problem.  I don't want to spend 4 years going through the DTs. I digress.  Those on the left claim Trump is a xenophobe and a racist.  They worry about his stance on immigration, Muslims and Hispanics.  I do to.  Again, he is crazy.  What no one on the left manages to recognize or admit to is that Donald Trump has spent more time supporting democrats and the policies of the left than he as ever spent supporting those on the right.  He was a registered democrat as of 2009, has posed for pictures with the Clintons and says he has never met George W. Bush.  I am not a Bush fan either but to claim that you are on the right but are seen and photographed with the left is very ODD. I really enjoy the antics of the left regarding Trump.  They prove to me how disconnected democrats are from reality.  Donald Trump is the epitome of the left and their behavior.  Do as I say not as I do and their desire to control everyone.  It cracks me up that they refuse to see it and of course makes me sad that they are that unaware. 

Another annoying trait he has is his thin skin. I wonder if it was brought on by on the spray tan versus being a spoiled little rich boy.  I don't know for sure. Other than our current president, I can't think of another politician with such a low threshold for getting his panties in a wad.  Honestly, Trump is unable to cope with even mild critique. I can only imagine the money he's lost through his inability to cope with negative feedback.  He is a big, huge baby. 

He supports left wing causes, Planned Parenthood being a prime example.  Now, that he has donned sheep's clothing he eschews so much of his ideology and causes that don't jive with conservative values. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. Although, I could potentially throw him pretty far, what with the hair picking up wind currents and all.

He claims he has played the political game of giving to both parties.  But then claims he can't be bought.  Buying and selling is what he does. It's what he understands and how he knows to function in life. So, pardon the pun, I don't buy it. 

I can't believe we wasted a moment of time discussing his man parts.  In my opinion he's one big man part and that's really all we need to know. 

He claims to love the bible and yet doesn't know 2 Corinthians is pronounced second Corinthians which, let's face it, is pretty basic.  I don't need a president to be a gospel scholar.  I need a president to be honest.  He isn't religious, states he sees no need to repent and I believe he said something to the effect that we don't need Christ to save us, he, Trump, will.  To look good he claims to be a Christian and that he loves the bible.  I don't need a president to try to look good but to be good.  And although I am a staunch Christian and have a deep and abiding faith in my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ, I know you don't have to be religious to be good.  There are a lot of people who, to quote a secular humanist friend, are "good for goodness sake."  I just need a president to be good for any reason. 

DT keeps talking big but is very vague on how he will accomplish anything.  He just talks about getting things done but has no concrete answer as to how.  He just says he will make America great again. Super, just what we need more hope and change.

I have many more reasons that I cannot vote for Trump.  The last one I will talk about in this post is his desire to rule by fiat.  I think he will be bad for our constitution and the rights it guarantees.  I think he will roll over anything that doesn't get him what he wants in the moment.  No matter that in the next moment he will want something else.  Like a big baby. 

I do not worry that not voting for him is a vote for Hillary or Sanders.  I cannot with a clean conscience vote for him.  There is no lesser of two evils.  I will be able to walk away with clean hands and know that I will be able to say "don't blame me, I didn't vote for any of them."

I will end with a poem I wrote, it took me just a few minutes and seeing as how I am no Elizabeth Barret Browning I don't expect it will become famous.  I am OK with that.  I wrote it for myself but being a giver I have shared it and will continue to do so.

 Donald Trump, your face is so orange, your windblown hair so combed over, you speak like a fool and have thin skin. I can't believe you actually might win. I keep hoping to wake up from a bad, bad dream. You're a wolf in sheep's clothing so not what you seem. To you it's huge or tremendous, and all you do is win. But no matter what you say or who you fool I can't vote for you, a horrible sin.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Today's topic the Oscars.  I am not weighing in on the racial divide.  But I will weigh in on the how ridiculous we are over the Oscars.  Not just the Oscars but all the awards and shows about awards. I am told there are 67 different entertainment award shows.  67.  These shows are for the most self congratulatory group of people on planet earth. Most of them are for people who are pretending to be someone else.  "Look at me, I can pretend to be someone better than you can pretend. And I have a prize to prove it! Yay for me!"

Let me start of by saying I get as star struck as the next girl and enjoy a good performance. I would love to meet some of my favorite actors or singers. I love it when someone can move me to tears or laughter through their portrayals. And do you know how we can all show our appreciation?  By attending their movie, play or concert.  We can buy their music, sing their songs in the shower and support them by purchasing their work.  

But, for Hollywood etc. our money and adulation aren't enough.  No, no, no.  They must get prizes for doing a good job, kind of like when a toddler gets a gold star when they poop on the potty.  Our entertainers want something gold too, an Oscar.  And I guess that is OK on the face of it. But do you know how much the Oscars cost last year?  38.3 million.  Let that sink in for a minute.  And remember there are 67 different award shows, I am sure most cost less per year, let's say a modest 15 million and let's times that by 66.  That's about 100,000,000.  ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS FOR A YEAR! Grant you I am guessing and estimating but regardless I cannot be off but for a few million.  Let's even say I am off by half, what the heck.  50,000,000 would go a long way to feed and house the poor, or pay teachers, firemen and police.  But instead it is spent so we can watch some one get a prize for pretending, dancing or singing. Come on!

Those in Hollywood already lead and live lavish lives from the money they earn for the work they do.  They have mansions, cars. clothes and jewelry.  They have adoring fans.  But this isn't enough they need more. So, they give each other prizes of being the best pretender. 

A while back the women of the View insulted the nursing profession.  And suffered a backlash on a national level.  Their foolish comments are what started my thinking about this issue.  The women of The View feel because they are good pretenders or good at making people laugh that their opinions and ideas hold more merit than the rest of us "little people".  This is a problem when someone believes their popularity means they are right.  Or that they should get a prize for being the best pretender.

A lot of actors get to portray the true story about the life of a hero. They pretend to be a doctor, cop or teacher or soldier.  They pretend to save the planet.  The don't actually do it they just pretend to.  The stars pretend to be the heroes.  That is all.  Some can sing or dance beautifully, and we can thank them by purchasing their work.  So, why oh, why do they need a prize? 

I would love to see Hollywood wake up and take the money they spend awarding themselves and do something really worthwhile like feed, clothe and house the homeless.  Pay the salaries for our police, teachers and firemen.  You know the real heroes not the pretend ones.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Today's topic, refugees.  Or how crazy we are over them.  Let me preface by saying I don't know the right answer.  What you say, Marian doesn't know what she thinks?  That's insane!!  I know that it's right to help one another.  I also know it's right to want to be kept safe. 

First, I am over all the emotional blackmail.  Don't give me any crap about how if I am a good Christian then I will obviously support taking in refugees.  Whether I am a good Christian or not isn't up to anyone but me and my Savior.  So, quit trying to make me feel guilty, you are just irritating me.  You don't get to decide how I serve others or when or whom.  I do.  And I try to be in tune the Lord to make good choices.  Unless I ask for your help I don't need it, thanks.

I love how so many who's mantra is don't judge over this or that have NO problem being judgmental.  Hypocrites.  They think it's OK for them to judge, after all, they think they are right.  They love to quote scripture, Judge not that ye be not judged.  Let me break that down for you.  There is nothing wrong with judging right from wrong. There is something wrong with treating people poorly because of what you deem as wrong behavior.  That, my friends, is the judgment we are to avoid.  So, all the mocking and bullying and name calling is all judgment.  On either side of this issue. 

I keep seeing things saying all the refugees are innocent victims because they are refugees.  Look, let's not be naïve.  I don't for one second believe all the refugees are lovely people.  There are good and bad, always.  We know that bad people have come here under the guise of being refugees.  And we know that good people have come here too.  Don't try to make it all or none.  It never is and anyone who says differently is either a liar or a fool.

Then there is the crowd who calls for us to take care of our veterans first.  We should be taking care of them.  They have given us more than we can repay.  We should be ashamed of how they are managed by our government and that we allow it to continue.  That being said, this is America, we can do both.  So, don't give me any crap about doing one or the other. 

So, here is what I suggest, and I am not being sarcastic, snotty or "take that".  I am sincere.  If you want to help the homeless veterans and it means so much to you, take them into your home.  If you want to help the refugees and it means so much to you take them into your home.  Or, and here is a snarky part, forever be labeled a NIMBA.  If you don't know, NIMBA is an acronym meaning "not in my back yard".  Those are the people who demand this that or the other but don't want to be personally inconvenienced.  Hypocrites. 

So, here is the deal if you want to help don't spend your time on social media mocking or posting articles condemning those with whom you don't agree.  Take that time to find a place to volunteer or a trusted agency to give funds.  Or prepare your home to accept someone in need.  What have I done you ask? That's none of your business.  Just as it's none of my business what you do. Suffice it to say I have done something and will continue to do something.  To sum up instead of fighting and telling people how bad they are get off you butt and do something worthwhile. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Today's topic: Best laid plans.  My plan when I started this blog was to write about things that I care about, but to not be too political or religious.  Just because I didn't want to feel like I was beating a drum all the time.  It was slow coming to me, but I realized that the things I am passionate about are things dear to me.  Like my liberty and my faith.  So, I am kind of stuck but not in a bad way.

I have had a true story from my life on my mind and thought that it is time that I wrote it down and shared it.  It isn't an amazing story, like I lifted a burning car off of a child or discovered the cure for cellulite.  However, in the moment that this happened I was amazed and sad.  You will understand why when you read.

Let me take you first to the scriptures and the parable of The Ten Virgins.   I had the opportunity to live this parable, at least in part.  The parable can be found in Matthew  25:1-13.  The upshot of the parable is that the Bridegroom, (Jesus Christ) is coming and we are to be prepared, spiritually for His coming (oil in our lamps, or faith).  The 5 wise get into the marriage feast and the 5 foolish are out trying to buy oil failing to make it in time.  The reason the 5 foolish are left out is not because the 5 wise are mean.  It seems so when they say no we can't give you our oil.  But if you look at oil as faith, how at the last minute can I give my belief, my faith to someone unprepared?  I can't just pluck it out of my heart and mind and hand it over.  It doesn't work that way.  

I want to tell you in living this parable that I was wise.  But that would be a lie and though I may be foolish, I am not a liar.  I also hope I can convey to you what I mean when I say I lived it.

We had been warned that a bad winter storm was coming.  In North Carolina a bad storm can stop everything.  My dad has always cautioned me to keep at least half a tank of gas.  In case of emergency you can get somewhere or hit the road quickly without having to gas up.  I do shift work and was working every day leading up to the storm.  I also lived very close to work and could get there with the gas gauge on E for days.  I am not happy to admit that this was a common practice of mine.  Knowing that the storm was coming and with my dad's caution on my mind every day on my way in and every evening on my way home I felt prompted to get gas.  My younger sister and a medical student were living with me at the time and they told me that they too felt they should get gas since all three of us were on E. 

By prompted I mean a feeling more than, "Hey maybe I should do this thing."  But a real fervent inward feeling that I should be prepared and every morning and every evening I chose to ignore this prompting.  My only excuse is a poor one because we should never ignore a prompting.  At the time my work was really, really busy, difficult and stressful.  I worked 13-14 hour days and would use the bathroom before I left and when I got home.  Lunches would be gulped down in minutes so I could return to work.  And at the time it seemed that I would run from crisis to crisis for the whole 13-14 hour shift.  So when I left work I was so tired the thought of getting gas was stressful and in the morning I wanted as much time to sleep as I could muster.

My promptings come to me in several ways.  Sometimes they are my own inner voice.  (Don't tell me you don't have one and that I am just hearing voices.)  There have been a few choice times in my life that the prompting has been a still, small voice.  This wasn't one of those still, small voice times.  It was my inner voice, but I knew the prompting was more than my just own thinking.

Know that I chose to ignore the prompting and rationalized why by going over my excuse.  I was tired and work was stressful, blah, blah, blah.  The day the storm really hit was a day off and I was sure I could just get gas then. 

The storm came and it was bad, we were out of power for days.  As we lay in bed (my sister and I together to share our body heat) we could hear the crashing of trees/tree limbs all around us from the weight of the ice. The next morning, being intrepid, I decided to go get gas, on E.  To my surprise the gas station near my home didn't have power, so no pumping gas.  I traveled further and further afield looking for gas.  I finally found a station with power and filled up. I had to wait in line, sweating bullets waiting my turn.  I knew by that point I was literally running on fumes.

Later that day I took the medical student to get gas.  She had spent the night in the hospital and had come home to sleep so it was early afternoon before we set out. This is where my moment really happened, you see I needed to be told twice.  Once when I got gas for my self and again when I got gas with the student.

So there we were on a street with several gas stations and power and not too far from home.  A win, win, win, right?   It was frigidly, icy cold.  So many cars were trying to get gas the police were there to direct traffic and help with the lights that were out, (there were only patches of power).  The police were cold and cranky.  It was much more dramatic than my morning's frantic search for gas.  On the main street cars were lined up, all the lanes, for blocks and blocks and blocks in both directions, and from every side street, trying to get gas.  Unwittingly, we had approached incorrectly.  There was no way for us to know this other than the cold, angry, exasperated officer directing traffic filling us in on how we should have come.

He was not a happy camper.  In the moment I was mad at him but time and hindsight have helped me to see he was doing the best he could trying to not freeze while keeping the public safe.  We figured out how to go and wound up going the right way and a very gracious motorist allowed us in the line of hundreds to get gas.

It was here that I was struck so forcefully.  I realized I had been told all my life to be prepared, to have oil in my lamp to be ready for the coming of the Savior.  There I sat in line with all the other foolish, unprepared souls trying to get gas after the fact.  It was this temporal moment of being unprepared with gas and being witness to cars full of people, as far as the eye could see, waiting in line to put "oil" in their lamps.  It was devastating to see myself there.  I recognize that it was just me not having gas in the car, but the symbolism really hit me.  There I was foolish and unprepared for an event that I had been told by my earthly father to have what I might need ready. Likewise, my Heavenly Father has given me warning after warning to put oil in my lamp, to prepare for the day that the Savior returns.  So that I won't be left out searching for what I may need in the moment.

Speaking of what we need in the moment, I spoke with my sister to try to make sure my timeline was close to correct since this event happened so long ago.   She reminded me of other things I hadn't mentioned that really have no bearing on the parable part but were nice.  We were out of power for almost a week.  We were also lucky enough that our aunt in a near by town had power the day after the storm so we were able to stay with her family.   I worked a night shift the next week and decided to sleep at my freezing house after work.  

When I woke up hungry I tried to think of what I had available to eat that didn't require cooking.  I kept circling back to peanut butter and jelly but knew there was no milk.  I kept looping that around until, reluctant and hungry, I decided I would eat a p and j with, sigh, water.  When I opened the fridge to get the jelly, it was like a Christmas miracle!  There was a whole gallon of unopened milk staring at me!  My sister had bought milk before the storm but I hadn't known.  Oh what a tasty sandwich and big ol' glass milk I had!  And to my further joy, since I love milk, she wouldn't drink it because it hadn't been refrigerated.  The house was a refrigerator it hadn't made it above 30 degrees since the storm so I swigged every drop of that milk.  The next week in the hospital was a trial, just kidding, I was fine and so was the milk. 

I hope this will inspire you in some way.  To see that a moment of being physically unprepared made me aware of the need for spiritual preparedness.  How horrible if felt to be foolish and unprepared after being warned and warned.  And also, knowing, KNOWING what I should do and deciding that it wasn't convenient.  Letting my self rationalize my behaviour.  A long time ago I had a friend tell me that when we rationalize we tell ourselves, rational lies.  It is so true how easy it can be to forget what we have been taught for what seems good or convenient now. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Today's topic God, the master of engineering and science. The inspiration for this post was a movie trailer I saw recently.  It's about the Exodus.  Depicted in the trailer was the parting of the Red Sea.  I thought about that and remembered that the scriptures tell us the children of Israel walked on dry ground (Exodus 14:22).  There was no mud, no puddles left to step in or over, just dry ground.  The significance of this is passed over (no pun intended) by many of us.  We don't recognize that our Father in Heaven is a expert scientist and a master engineer.

There are really smart people all over the planet that minimize Heavenly Father and His scientific mind and engineering genius.  Because they do not understand that He understands the laws of science perfectly and can use them to command the elements.  So much so that He could not only part the waters of the Red Sea but cause that the water molecules were completely separated from the grains of sand. 

 I was raised by a real live scientist.  He works with in the nuclear field and understands science on level that most of the of us just don't.  My dad is a dedicated, educated scientist who also has a clear and absolute faith in our Father in Heaven.  He has no problem with science and religion mixing and mingling.  

"There are people in this world who pit science against religion.  They seem to think that the two are mutually exclusive and that truth belongs in either one realm or the other.  In actuality, science and religion are not mutually exclusive.  They are each part of one great whole.  Truth, no matter where it is found, is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that includes scientific truth and the laws of nature." Quote by J.A. brilliant woman extraordinaire.

One of things I have thought about that tell me the above is true is this; God the Father tells Adam in Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.  The prophets that recorded the scriptures didn't know what we know now, which is we are indeed dust,  the elements found in dirt are what we are composed of.  Calcium, potassium, salt, pepper (not really pepper just checking to see if you were paying attention) magnesium, iron etc. all play a part in our bodies and how they work.  Through scientific discovery we know this but the men who recorded the scriptures didn't.  They had no way to know we truly come from the dust of the ground.  But, God our Heavenly Father knew because He perfectly understands and uses the laws of science and because of this can do all things.  And despite all we know about science compared with our Father in Heaven we are like toddlers learning about our environment while trying not fall flat on our tails.

Another thing from the scriptures is God speaking to Cain after Cain slew Abel, his brother. Genesis 4:And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper?  10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. To this day verse 9 is the most quoted and we talk being our brothers keeper often.  But, I want to look at  verse 10 thy brothers blood crieth unto me from the ground.  For just a moment think about what we do with blood evidence.  We have used blood evidence for centuries in some way.  The saying  "blood on your hands" isn't new.  But today, we use the blood of crime victims or criminals routinely for identification or to prove something.  The importance of blood evidence can make or break a case and today as with the days of Cain and Abel, blood can absolutely cry from the ground for justice.  I submit the Lord saying that Abel's blood was crying from the ground is not just a turn of phrase but what blood can tell us was something our Father already knew.  I am not surprised by this because I recognize that He knows all things even things we cannot imagine or comprehend. Just as someone from a different century would be completely lost in our present day even more are we when compared with the knowledge and ability of God.

"...The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." Alma 30:44.  I was trying to think of a way to phrase this and couldn't think of anything better than this from the book of Alma.  I am astounded at how hard some are willing to work to try to disprove what Alma tells us.  It is really so simple and clear, if one has sense, to see that there is proof aplenty that there is God in the Heavens who engineered the Earth for us to use to learn upon. 

"Heavenly Father is the source of all truth, scientific and otherwise, and He operates within the bounds of natural law (whether He created that law or not is a moot point---natural law exists and He works within it).  Indeed, He uses natural law to fulfill His purposes, and He delights in our efforts to learn more about the universe and how it operates and functions.  Unfortunately, we sometimes don't understand the results of scientific research, or we incorrectly interpret the results.  It is important that in the search for any truth, we keep an open mind and are willing to listen to new evidence and testimony."

"Indeed, Heavenly Father encourages us to use scientific methods not only for temporal questions, but spiritual ones as well.  He does not expect or desire "blind faith" when it comes to scientific theories or spiritual beliefs.  He does expect, or hope, that we will "experiment" upon His words and test the truthfulness of any given idea or belief.  Then, once we've noted the end results (honestly and sincerely), we will know "the truth of all things."  God's plan is a plan for spiritual scientists---men and women willing to try, test, experiment, and observe in order to learn gospel truths "  Quote by J.A. still brilliant woman extraordinaire.

 My goal is always to be thought provoking.  I do not blog to change minds but to try to encourage anyone who reads this blog to think.  I won't lie that I wouldn't love it if I got others to believe as I do or to think like I think but more than that to just think.  Use your minds, the power of observation and experiment to find truth in your life and see where it takes you!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Today's topic my take on ordaining women to the priesthood.  Some of you may be aware that there has recently been a media spotlight on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints regarding the ordination of women to our priesthood.  There have been many of my faith giving their thoughts and ideas on this topic.  For a while I wasn't sure I would weigh in, but we all know I can't keep my mouth shut so I will give my two cents.

My disclaimer, I don't speak for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am stating my own thoughts and ideas.  I may say some of the same things you have already read or heard.  So, don't think me a plagiarizer if you see similarities.  I would love to think that there are those who see things the same way as I and have better things to do with my time than steal.   Also, I don't expect anyone who isn't a member of our church to fully comprehend our faith.  But, try to keep an open mind while reading and if you find fault please, lay the fault at my door and not at my church's. 

Let me speak to you as I would a member of my church or rather explain to you how a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints understands things.  Firstly, if one is a member there are certain things we believe to be true.  One of those things is that Jesus Christ lives and that this is His church established again in the latter days.  The prophet is the Lord's mouth piece he conducts the affairs of the church according to revelation from the Lord.  Another thing is that as members we are encouraged to look at doctrine to ask questions and to pray for answers.  We are never told to blindly follow.  If someone tells you that we are to told to blindly follow they are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. We believe the priesthood is the power by which the Lord created the Heavens and the Earth and those that hold the priesthood have the authority to speak and to act in God's name.  Lastly, we have been promised that if the prophet should ever lead the church astray he would be removed from his place.  See below:

President Wilford Woodruff declared that we can have full confidence in the direction the prophet is leading the Church: “The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty” Official Declaration 1. 

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I feel a sense of peace from that statement.  Does that mean that I think the prophet is infallible?  No, but neither do I believe that he is a bumbling sexist fool.  I have faith that if the prophet were fallible enough to attempt to lead us astray the Lord would indeed remove him from his place. 

 I am not very sympathetic toward the Ordain Women group.  If one truly believes that this is Christ church and that He is the head why are they petitioning the prophet to allow the ordination of women?  Why aren't they giving themselves to much fasting and prayer, supplicating the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to ordain them?  I can't help but wonder if they want media attention or feel that public pressure will change the prophet's mind.  I can't figure them out, if they truly believe the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints then they know that the Church is our Savior's and He never did bow to pressure.  So, I conclude that they either don't believe, which is fine with me, they can believe as they wish, or they think they know better. I do have a problem with them thinking they know better.  If you think you know better than the Lord how to run His church then take it up with Him.  Don't go around whining and bemoaning your fate at the hands of men seeking sympathy for your supposed oppression.  No one is making them stay,  If they feel that the church is wrong then they should go and find what will make them happy.  I don't even mean that snarky.  I want those from OW to be happy and if they aren't happy or fulfilled in our church there are many others to choose from.

 I have never been accused of being a mouse.  I tend to refer to myself as having a strong personality.  This is lieu of the word that women like me get called a lot, and mostly by other women.  I am sure you can figure out the word I mean but in case not it rhymes with glitch.  Anyway, my point is that I am not very likely to stand back and let anyone man or woman walk on me or tell me how to think.  That never goes well.  So, the notion that I am oppressed because I don't hold the priesthood doesn't fly with me.  I am only as oppressed as I let myself be.  

There have been many arguments made pro and con women holding the priesthood.  Please feel free to check the web for arguments for and against. If the Lord wants me to hold the priesthood then I will, if He doesn't then I won't. I don't get the hoopla.  I will say that the OW movement seems to be saying that we women aren't equal or that they don't feel equal in the church. Some people get confused and assume equality means sameness.  I am not the same as a man, or frankly, another woman.  I have no thought that my value is less or more because of my sex.  I am what and who I am and feel sorry for those who aren't happy within themselves.  Ah, perhaps this is the answer to the hoopla, being unhappy has caused them to try to fix themselves by demanding something that someone else has that seems better, then they will feel fulfilled and all will be well.  Right? 

I have noticed there are a lot of people in and out of the church very concerned about what others have that they do not.  Very concerned.  I feel that sometimes they spend so much time worrying about what they don't have that they don't fully appreciate or use what is already theirs.  Like a kid who is focused on getting a new toy because so and so down the street has one, but they aren't playing with the toys they already have. I do that too, but people come on, let it go!!

One of the arguments for the ordination of women is that what if there is no man to provide a priesthood blessing, let's say, in case of some kind of emergency.  There is no other way to gain Heavenly assistance?  Are they suggesting that the Lord won't hear or answer my prayers because I am not a man?  So now the Lord is sexist?  I am not kidding I really feel that is what OW is telling me.  Out of all the things I have heard or read this is what makes me angry.  The irony is they don't get that they are diminishing themselves, they don't need a man to do it for them.  I refute the idea that my womanhood makes less in the sight of the Lord completely and never and I mean never have seen this in practice or in the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
I want to address the excommunication.  Yes, Katie Kelly, the leader of the Ordain Women movement was excommunicated.  People outside the church see that as a punishment when actually it's a mercy.  A member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints should understand that we have made covenants with the Lord and because of these covenants we are held, by the Lord, to a certain standard.  Now that she is no longer a member of record she is free from the responsibility to those covenants. She won't have to stand before the Lord and account for herself regarding those covenants because they no longer apply to her.  I would hope she would find that freeing and not a burden.  We are taught in the church that everyone can attend all are welcome and that is true.  There may be some imperfect people who won't be kind but if Katie Kelly choses to attend church she can and should be welcomed.  We recognize that we are all sinners and all equal in the sight of the Lord, so why shouldn't we welcome everyone?   Otherwise it would mean thinking we know better than the Lord.
 I hope those from Ordain Women can be happy.  If they cannot then I don't want them to try and take any of my happiness.  Don't try to make me feel like less because I am not the same as a man.  Don't diminish my value because you don't see your own.  If you must go then go quietly and peaceably.  I wish you well. 

Let me end by bearing my testimony.  I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ lives, He loves me and knows me and intercedes for me personally. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it testifies of Christ.  I know that the Lord directs His church.  I sustain our Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Thomas S. Monson, his counselors and the other apostles.  I cannot in good conscience do anything different.  I have too much evidence to support my belief and if I were to claim anything else I would be a liar.