Saturday, March 12, 2016

Today's topic, why I cannot vote for Donald Trump.  Or how I see through the B.S. my own way and not the way everyone seems to think I should.  Donald Trump is dangerous, a bit crazy and a bit orange.  The dangerous and crazy are the best reasons to not vote for him, the orange is a slice of superficial.

There are a lot of people on the left who are very vocal and in their disdain and distrust for DT.  Hey, I just noticed his initials are a severe medical problem.  I don't want to spend 4 years going through the DTs. I digress.  Those on the left claim Trump is a xenophobe and a racist.  They worry about his stance on immigration, Muslims and Hispanics.  I do to.  Again, he is crazy.  What no one on the left manages to recognize or admit to is that Donald Trump has spent more time supporting democrats and the policies of the left than he as ever spent supporting those on the right.  He was a registered democrat as of 2009, has posed for pictures with the Clintons and says he has never met George W. Bush.  I am not a Bush fan either but to claim that you are on the right but are seen and photographed with the left is very ODD. I really enjoy the antics of the left regarding Trump.  They prove to me how disconnected democrats are from reality.  Donald Trump is the epitome of the left and their behavior.  Do as I say not as I do and their desire to control everyone.  It cracks me up that they refuse to see it and of course makes me sad that they are that unaware. 

Another annoying trait he has is his thin skin. I wonder if it was brought on by on the spray tan versus being a spoiled little rich boy.  I don't know for sure. Other than our current president, I can't think of another politician with such a low threshold for getting his panties in a wad.  Honestly, Trump is unable to cope with even mild critique. I can only imagine the money he's lost through his inability to cope with negative feedback.  He is a big, huge baby. 

He supports left wing causes, Planned Parenthood being a prime example.  Now, that he has donned sheep's clothing he eschews so much of his ideology and causes that don't jive with conservative values. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. Although, I could potentially throw him pretty far, what with the hair picking up wind currents and all.

He claims he has played the political game of giving to both parties.  But then claims he can't be bought.  Buying and selling is what he does. It's what he understands and how he knows to function in life. So, pardon the pun, I don't buy it. 

I can't believe we wasted a moment of time discussing his man parts.  In my opinion he's one big man part and that's really all we need to know. 

He claims to love the bible and yet doesn't know 2 Corinthians is pronounced second Corinthians which, let's face it, is pretty basic.  I don't need a president to be a gospel scholar.  I need a president to be honest.  He isn't religious, states he sees no need to repent and I believe he said something to the effect that we don't need Christ to save us, he, Trump, will.  To look good he claims to be a Christian and that he loves the bible.  I don't need a president to try to look good but to be good.  And although I am a staunch Christian and have a deep and abiding faith in my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ, I know you don't have to be religious to be good.  There are a lot of people who, to quote a secular humanist friend, are "good for goodness sake."  I just need a president to be good for any reason. 

DT keeps talking big but is very vague on how he will accomplish anything.  He just talks about getting things done but has no concrete answer as to how.  He just says he will make America great again. Super, just what we need more hope and change.

I have many more reasons that I cannot vote for Trump.  The last one I will talk about in this post is his desire to rule by fiat.  I think he will be bad for our constitution and the rights it guarantees.  I think he will roll over anything that doesn't get him what he wants in the moment.  No matter that in the next moment he will want something else.  Like a big baby. 

I do not worry that not voting for him is a vote for Hillary or Sanders.  I cannot with a clean conscience vote for him.  There is no lesser of two evils.  I will be able to walk away with clean hands and know that I will be able to say "don't blame me, I didn't vote for any of them."

I will end with a poem I wrote, it took me just a few minutes and seeing as how I am no Elizabeth Barret Browning I don't expect it will become famous.  I am OK with that.  I wrote it for myself but being a giver I have shared it and will continue to do so.

 Donald Trump, your face is so orange, your windblown hair so combed over, you speak like a fool and have thin skin. I can't believe you actually might win. I keep hoping to wake up from a bad, bad dream. You're a wolf in sheep's clothing so not what you seem. To you it's huge or tremendous, and all you do is win. But no matter what you say or who you fool I can't vote for you, a horrible sin.

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