Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Today's topic my take on ordaining women to the priesthood.  Some of you may be aware that there has recently been a media spotlight on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints regarding the ordination of women to our priesthood.  There have been many of my faith giving their thoughts and ideas on this topic.  For a while I wasn't sure I would weigh in, but we all know I can't keep my mouth shut so I will give my two cents.

My disclaimer, I don't speak for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am stating my own thoughts and ideas.  I may say some of the same things you have already read or heard.  So, don't think me a plagiarizer if you see similarities.  I would love to think that there are those who see things the same way as I and have better things to do with my time than steal.   Also, I don't expect anyone who isn't a member of our church to fully comprehend our faith.  But, try to keep an open mind while reading and if you find fault please, lay the fault at my door and not at my church's. 

Let me speak to you as I would a member of my church or rather explain to you how a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints understands things.  Firstly, if one is a member there are certain things we believe to be true.  One of those things is that Jesus Christ lives and that this is His church established again in the latter days.  The prophet is the Lord's mouth piece he conducts the affairs of the church according to revelation from the Lord.  Another thing is that as members we are encouraged to look at doctrine to ask questions and to pray for answers.  We are never told to blindly follow.  If someone tells you that we are to told to blindly follow they are either lying or don't know what they are talking about. We believe the priesthood is the power by which the Lord created the Heavens and the Earth and those that hold the priesthood have the authority to speak and to act in God's name.  Lastly, we have been promised that if the prophet should ever lead the church astray he would be removed from his place.  See below:

President Wilford Woodruff declared that we can have full confidence in the direction the prophet is leading the Church: “The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty” Official Declaration 1. 

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I feel a sense of peace from that statement.  Does that mean that I think the prophet is infallible?  No, but neither do I believe that he is a bumbling sexist fool.  I have faith that if the prophet were fallible enough to attempt to lead us astray the Lord would indeed remove him from his place. 

 I am not very sympathetic toward the Ordain Women group.  If one truly believes that this is Christ church and that He is the head why are they petitioning the prophet to allow the ordination of women?  Why aren't they giving themselves to much fasting and prayer, supplicating the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to ordain them?  I can't help but wonder if they want media attention or feel that public pressure will change the prophet's mind.  I can't figure them out, if they truly believe the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints then they know that the Church is our Savior's and He never did bow to pressure.  So, I conclude that they either don't believe, which is fine with me, they can believe as they wish, or they think they know better. I do have a problem with them thinking they know better.  If you think you know better than the Lord how to run His church then take it up with Him.  Don't go around whining and bemoaning your fate at the hands of men seeking sympathy for your supposed oppression.  No one is making them stay,  If they feel that the church is wrong then they should go and find what will make them happy.  I don't even mean that snarky.  I want those from OW to be happy and if they aren't happy or fulfilled in our church there are many others to choose from.

 I have never been accused of being a mouse.  I tend to refer to myself as having a strong personality.  This is lieu of the word that women like me get called a lot, and mostly by other women.  I am sure you can figure out the word I mean but in case not it rhymes with glitch.  Anyway, my point is that I am not very likely to stand back and let anyone man or woman walk on me or tell me how to think.  That never goes well.  So, the notion that I am oppressed because I don't hold the priesthood doesn't fly with me.  I am only as oppressed as I let myself be.  

There have been many arguments made pro and con women holding the priesthood.  Please feel free to check the web for arguments for and against. If the Lord wants me to hold the priesthood then I will, if He doesn't then I won't. I don't get the hoopla.  I will say that the OW movement seems to be saying that we women aren't equal or that they don't feel equal in the church. Some people get confused and assume equality means sameness.  I am not the same as a man, or frankly, another woman.  I have no thought that my value is less or more because of my sex.  I am what and who I am and feel sorry for those who aren't happy within themselves.  Ah, perhaps this is the answer to the hoopla, being unhappy has caused them to try to fix themselves by demanding something that someone else has that seems better, then they will feel fulfilled and all will be well.  Right? 

I have noticed there are a lot of people in and out of the church very concerned about what others have that they do not.  Very concerned.  I feel that sometimes they spend so much time worrying about what they don't have that they don't fully appreciate or use what is already theirs.  Like a kid who is focused on getting a new toy because so and so down the street has one, but they aren't playing with the toys they already have. I do that too, but people come on, let it go!!

One of the arguments for the ordination of women is that what if there is no man to provide a priesthood blessing, let's say, in case of some kind of emergency.  There is no other way to gain Heavenly assistance?  Are they suggesting that the Lord won't hear or answer my prayers because I am not a man?  So now the Lord is sexist?  I am not kidding I really feel that is what OW is telling me.  Out of all the things I have heard or read this is what makes me angry.  The irony is they don't get that they are diminishing themselves, they don't need a man to do it for them.  I refute the idea that my womanhood makes less in the sight of the Lord completely and never and I mean never have seen this in practice or in the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
I want to address the excommunication.  Yes, Katie Kelly, the leader of the Ordain Women movement was excommunicated.  People outside the church see that as a punishment when actually it's a mercy.  A member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints should understand that we have made covenants with the Lord and because of these covenants we are held, by the Lord, to a certain standard.  Now that she is no longer a member of record she is free from the responsibility to those covenants. She won't have to stand before the Lord and account for herself regarding those covenants because they no longer apply to her.  I would hope she would find that freeing and not a burden.  We are taught in the church that everyone can attend all are welcome and that is true.  There may be some imperfect people who won't be kind but if Katie Kelly choses to attend church she can and should be welcomed.  We recognize that we are all sinners and all equal in the sight of the Lord, so why shouldn't we welcome everyone?   Otherwise it would mean thinking we know better than the Lord.
 I hope those from Ordain Women can be happy.  If they cannot then I don't want them to try and take any of my happiness.  Don't try to make me feel like less because I am not the same as a man.  Don't diminish my value because you don't see your own.  If you must go then go quietly and peaceably.  I wish you well. 

Let me end by bearing my testimony.  I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ lives, He loves me and knows me and intercedes for me personally. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it testifies of Christ.  I know that the Lord directs His church.  I sustain our Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Thomas S. Monson, his counselors and the other apostles.  I cannot in good conscience do anything different.  I have too much evidence to support my belief and if I were to claim anything else I would be a liar. 


  1. I totally posted a comment earlier... oh well. Basically I said I don't think that it was a mistake that President Henry B. Eyring gave a talk entitled "The Priesthood Man". The women involved in the OW movement don't seem to understand a very basic thing about the Priesthood, it is on Earth to do the Father's will. Period. If the Father's will is for MEN to have the Priesthood, it is their responsibility to exercise it righteously. Just because these women think that somehow we are entitled to the Priesthood, does not mean that it's the Father's will right now. I mean, what do they plan on doing with it? Seriously... what could they possibly do? Even Christ who asked to have the bitter cup removed from him, didn't get what he wanted, but he said, "Thy will be done" to the Father. If OW can't understand that it's not his will for women to have Priesthood at this time, then they don't understand His will, and being ordained would be mute because it is and has ALWAYS been the authority and power to act in accordance with the Father's will.
