There are really smart people all over the planet that minimize Heavenly Father and His scientific mind and engineering genius. Because they do not understand that He understands the laws of science perfectly and can use them to command the elements. So much so that He could not only part the waters of the Red Sea but cause that the water molecules were completely separated from the grains of sand.
I was raised by a real live scientist. He works with in the nuclear field and understands science on level that most of the of us just don't. My dad is a dedicated, educated scientist who also has a clear and absolute faith in our Father in Heaven. He has no problem with science and religion mixing and mingling.
"There are people in this world who pit science against religion. They seem to think that the two are mutually exclusive and that truth belongs in either one realm or the other. In actuality, science and religion are not mutually exclusive. They are each part of one great whole. Truth, no matter where it is found, is part of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that includes scientific truth and the laws of nature." Quote by J.A. brilliant woman extraordinaire.
One of things I have thought about that tell me the above is true is this; God the Father tells Adam in Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. The prophets that recorded the scriptures didn't know what we know now, which is we are indeed dust, the elements found in dirt are what we are composed of. Calcium, potassium, salt, pepper (not really pepper just checking to see if you were paying attention) magnesium, iron etc. all play a part in our bodies and how they work. Through scientific discovery we know this but the men who recorded the scriptures didn't. They had no way to know we truly come from the dust of the ground. But, God our Heavenly Father knew because He perfectly understands and uses the laws of science and because of this can do all things. And despite all we know about science compared with our Father in Heaven we are like toddlers learning about our environment while trying not fall flat on our tails.
Another thing from the scriptures is God speaking to Cain after Cain slew Abel, his brother. Genesis 4:9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? 10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. To this day verse 9 is the most quoted and we talk being our brothers keeper often. But, I want to look at verse 10 thy brothers blood crieth unto me from the ground. For just a moment think about what we do with blood evidence. We have used blood evidence for centuries in some way. The saying "blood on your hands" isn't new. But today, we use the blood of crime victims or criminals routinely for identification or to prove something. The importance of blood evidence can make or break a case and today as with the days of Cain and Abel, blood can absolutely cry from the ground for justice. I submit the Lord saying that Abel's blood was crying from the ground is not just a turn of phrase but what blood can tell us was something our Father already knew. I am not surprised by this because I recognize that He knows all things even things we cannot imagine or comprehend. Just as someone from a different century would be completely lost in our present day even more are we when compared with the knowledge and ability of God.
"...The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." Alma 30:44. I was trying to think of a way to phrase this and couldn't think of anything better than this from the book of Alma. I am astounded at how hard some are willing to work to try to disprove what Alma tells us. It is really so simple and clear, if one has sense, to see that there is proof aplenty that there is God in the Heavens who engineered the Earth for us to use to learn upon.
"Heavenly Father is the source of all truth, scientific and otherwise, and He operates within the bounds of natural law (whether He created that law or not is a moot point---natural law exists and He works within it). Indeed, He uses natural law to fulfill His purposes, and He delights in our efforts to learn more about the universe and how it operates and functions. Unfortunately, we sometimes don't understand the results of scientific research, or we incorrectly interpret the results. It is important that in the search for any truth, we keep an open mind and are willing to listen to new evidence and testimony."
"Indeed, Heavenly Father encourages us to use scientific methods not only for temporal questions, but spiritual ones as well. He does not expect or desire "blind faith" when it comes to scientific theories or spiritual beliefs. He does expect, or hope, that we will "experiment" upon His words and test the truthfulness of any given idea or belief. Then, once we've noted the end results (honestly and sincerely), we will know "the truth of all things." God's plan is a plan for spiritual scientists---men and women willing to try, test, experiment, and observe in order to learn gospel truths " Quote by J.A. still brilliant woman extraordinaire.
"Indeed, Heavenly Father encourages us to use scientific methods not only for temporal questions, but spiritual ones as well. He does not expect or desire "blind faith" when it comes to scientific theories or spiritual beliefs. He does expect, or hope, that we will "experiment" upon His words and test the truthfulness of any given idea or belief. Then, once we've noted the end results (honestly and sincerely), we will know "the truth of all things." God's plan is a plan for spiritual scientists---men and women willing to try, test, experiment, and observe in order to learn gospel truths " Quote by J.A. still brilliant woman extraordinaire.
My goal is always to be thought provoking. I do not blog to change minds but to try to encourage anyone who reads this blog to think. I won't lie that I wouldn't love it if I got others to believe as I do or to think like I think but more than that to just think. Use your minds, the power of observation and experiment to find truth in your life and see where it takes you!