Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today's topic Doing it yourself.  There seems to be some confusion about what it means to be self made.  No man (or woman) is an island.  Of course, if we are lucky we all get a hand up.  Whether from friends, family, community or even our government almost everyone who starts something gets help.  We want each other to succeed and are willing to support the cause.

I was taken aback by our President saying you didn't build that yourself.  So much for self made men.  I, as you know say am not easily offended.  But that was on the cusp.  I don't dispute that we get help.  However, the idea, the blood, sweat and tears aren't born by anyone but the innovator/s.  A lot of new businesses fail within the first year.  If there is truly so much help creating they wouldn't have trouble keeping things going.  What keeps them afloat is the hard, hard work and sacrifices made by the creators/owners.  Trust me there is no one in the government sweating and sacrificing.  They throw some of my money and your money at them and walk or regulate the heck out them.  Which too much oversight may contribute to the downfall of new businesses.  By the way that takes me to the government (both sides of the aisle) they can't oversee themselves, why should I trust they can oversee anyone or anything?  I always feel that the inmates are running the asylum.

So, what is a self made man (woman)?  Is it someone who has people see some talent or ability and push them to greatness?  Or someone who sees talent or ability in themselves and makes something happen finding and using any resources at their disposal?  Or forget about talent and ability what about someone with a dream and perseverance?  There are so many people out there who just did and wow what they did.  Thomas Edison. 3 months of formal education, and then taught by his mother and is remembered as one of the greatest inventors of all time.  Clara Barton, had formal education, but not in nursing, she worked with the wounded and dying during the Civil War and then started the Red Cross.  Henry Ford, first generation Irish immigrant, an inventor, industrialist and a head of his time.  He wanted the best workers, and paid a premium to get and keep the best.  There are so many self starters in our great country.  People who have been brave and stepped out of their comfort zone.  I have high lighted some well known self starters but there are people all over taking risk. 

One person I can think of is my best friend Jennifer.  Jennifer isn't rich, (although I hope that someday soon she will be and I can be her Gayle) but she is a brave self starter.  She was the first in her family to go to a four year college.  She was a teacher and taught for several years.  She felt that she should serve a religious mission.  She went to France, learned a new language and culture for 18 months.  The school she taught at saved her job her while she was gone.  She came back and started teaching only to realize she hated it.  She got a new job in a new field and worked there for years.  With the economy being so bad she was laid off.  She has looked for work, with no success, but has taken steps to become a writer.  She is really good!  She has constantly looked for ways to better her self and share her talents.  

With the Olympics just behind us, I am thinking of all the great athletes, they didn't do it themselves.  The trained, ate and slept their sport.  They had families, coaches, friends, communities pulling for them.  People were invested in the athletes success.  But with all that support and love when it came to the actual competitions the athletes stepped out on their own.  Ultimately, winning or loosing was up to them.  Whether they came in first or last, won gold or bronze they earned it themselves.  And if they were lucky enough to win a medal, they stood on the podium by themselves. 

So, sure no man (woman) is an island.  We all need help, but please, no one be so disrespectful and demeaning as to say you didn't do it yourself.  It makes me think you don't have any confidence or since of accomplishment in your own successes.

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