Saturday, January 30, 2016

Today's topic the Oscars.  I am not weighing in on the racial divide.  But I will weigh in on the how ridiculous we are over the Oscars.  Not just the Oscars but all the awards and shows about awards. I am told there are 67 different entertainment award shows.  67.  These shows are for the most self congratulatory group of people on planet earth. Most of them are for people who are pretending to be someone else.  "Look at me, I can pretend to be someone better than you can pretend. And I have a prize to prove it! Yay for me!"

Let me start of by saying I get as star struck as the next girl and enjoy a good performance. I would love to meet some of my favorite actors or singers. I love it when someone can move me to tears or laughter through their portrayals. And do you know how we can all show our appreciation?  By attending their movie, play or concert.  We can buy their music, sing their songs in the shower and support them by purchasing their work.  

But, for Hollywood etc. our money and adulation aren't enough.  No, no, no.  They must get prizes for doing a good job, kind of like when a toddler gets a gold star when they poop on the potty.  Our entertainers want something gold too, an Oscar.  And I guess that is OK on the face of it. But do you know how much the Oscars cost last year?  38.3 million.  Let that sink in for a minute.  And remember there are 67 different award shows, I am sure most cost less per year, let's say a modest 15 million and let's times that by 66.  That's about 100,000,000.  ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS FOR A YEAR! Grant you I am guessing and estimating but regardless I cannot be off but for a few million.  Let's even say I am off by half, what the heck.  50,000,000 would go a long way to feed and house the poor, or pay teachers, firemen and police.  But instead it is spent so we can watch some one get a prize for pretending, dancing or singing. Come on!

Those in Hollywood already lead and live lavish lives from the money they earn for the work they do.  They have mansions, cars. clothes and jewelry.  They have adoring fans.  But this isn't enough they need more. So, they give each other prizes of being the best pretender. 

A while back the women of the View insulted the nursing profession.  And suffered a backlash on a national level.  Their foolish comments are what started my thinking about this issue.  The women of The View feel because they are good pretenders or good at making people laugh that their opinions and ideas hold more merit than the rest of us "little people".  This is a problem when someone believes their popularity means they are right.  Or that they should get a prize for being the best pretender.

A lot of actors get to portray the true story about the life of a hero. They pretend to be a doctor, cop or teacher or soldier.  They pretend to save the planet.  The don't actually do it they just pretend to.  The stars pretend to be the heroes.  That is all.  Some can sing or dance beautifully, and we can thank them by purchasing their work.  So, why oh, why do they need a prize? 

I would love to see Hollywood wake up and take the money they spend awarding themselves and do something really worthwhile like feed, clothe and house the homeless.  Pay the salaries for our police, teachers and firemen.  You know the real heroes not the pretend ones.