Sunday, November 22, 2015

Today's topic, refugees.  Or how crazy we are over them.  Let me preface by saying I don't know the right answer.  What you say, Marian doesn't know what she thinks?  That's insane!!  I know that it's right to help one another.  I also know it's right to want to be kept safe. 

First, I am over all the emotional blackmail.  Don't give me any crap about how if I am a good Christian then I will obviously support taking in refugees.  Whether I am a good Christian or not isn't up to anyone but me and my Savior.  So, quit trying to make me feel guilty, you are just irritating me.  You don't get to decide how I serve others or when or whom.  I do.  And I try to be in tune the Lord to make good choices.  Unless I ask for your help I don't need it, thanks.

I love how so many who's mantra is don't judge over this or that have NO problem being judgmental.  Hypocrites.  They think it's OK for them to judge, after all, they think they are right.  They love to quote scripture, Judge not that ye be not judged.  Let me break that down for you.  There is nothing wrong with judging right from wrong. There is something wrong with treating people poorly because of what you deem as wrong behavior.  That, my friends, is the judgment we are to avoid.  So, all the mocking and bullying and name calling is all judgment.  On either side of this issue. 

I keep seeing things saying all the refugees are innocent victims because they are refugees.  Look, let's not be naïve.  I don't for one second believe all the refugees are lovely people.  There are good and bad, always.  We know that bad people have come here under the guise of being refugees.  And we know that good people have come here too.  Don't try to make it all or none.  It never is and anyone who says differently is either a liar or a fool.

Then there is the crowd who calls for us to take care of our veterans first.  We should be taking care of them.  They have given us more than we can repay.  We should be ashamed of how they are managed by our government and that we allow it to continue.  That being said, this is America, we can do both.  So, don't give me any crap about doing one or the other. 

So, here is what I suggest, and I am not being sarcastic, snotty or "take that".  I am sincere.  If you want to help the homeless veterans and it means so much to you, take them into your home.  If you want to help the refugees and it means so much to you take them into your home.  Or, and here is a snarky part, forever be labeled a NIMBA.  If you don't know, NIMBA is an acronym meaning "not in my back yard".  Those are the people who demand this that or the other but don't want to be personally inconvenienced.  Hypocrites. 

So, here is the deal if you want to help don't spend your time on social media mocking or posting articles condemning those with whom you don't agree.  Take that time to find a place to volunteer or a trusted agency to give funds.  Or prepare your home to accept someone in need.  What have I done you ask? That's none of your business.  Just as it's none of my business what you do. Suffice it to say I have done something and will continue to do something.  To sum up instead of fighting and telling people how bad they are get off you butt and do something worthwhile.